

How do you make a personal bio data using HTML?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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bio data using html

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Q: How do you make a personal bio data using HTML?
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HTML is not used for making programs. It is used for making websites.

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You should have knowledge of HTMLOr, you can use software where you'll need to drag and drop--you won't have to write HTML in this case.You need to have data on the Punjabi culture.For more information see the "Related Links"

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You can easily make a register page in HTML using the <form> attribute. The form will contain the registration details.

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Not with HTML alone. HTML isn't a programming language, and lacks the logic and data storage abilities required to create a complex program. HTML can't save the data, and it doesn't have enough direct access to the databases that would be required. You'll need a server-side language, like PHP, ASP, Java, Ruby, Python or Perl; a database like MySQL or SQLite; and likely some JavaScript to make Web 2.0 application styled features.

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What can I do to make a webpage using only HTML which is related to social networking sites?

You need to use backend tools also to save the data. A DB like SQL or Oracle could work with it.

Why asp is better than HTML?

ASP is for generating dynamic data driven websites. The data it sends to the user is in the form of HTML. HTML is the markup language which allows your browser to render a webpage into a particular format through the use of CSS. At the end of the day, ASP makes use of HTML to make interactive websites

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by using HTML or CSS code we make website.

How do you save HTML text pages?

with a .html extension.....If your have made a page using just notepad ect just save as normal but make sure it has the .html or .htm extensionfor examplemywebpage.htmlormywebpage.htmif using proper webpage building software it will do it for you

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This is not possible using HTML. You will need to use a server-side script, such as PHP, or a client-side script, such as JavaScript. HTML is a markup language, and does not have the capacity to process data or compute logic.

How-to use HTML to make leaves and ivy borders?

Leaves will have to be made using a graphics editor. Ivy borders can be simulated with HTML and CSS.