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Previously, someone who has obviously never eaten anything acorn replied:

"You add water and yeast. Not to much,not to little"

This is meaningless and unhelpful, to be sure.

Acorns are edible, but require preparation as they contain bitter tannic acid (tannins, as in tanning leather, are desirable in the oak barrels in which wine ages, but they must be tamed) which must be leached out before they are palatable. This is done by pouring boiling water over the shelled acorns and letting them soak for a few hours, even overnight (I must admit it's been so long since I've done this I cannot remember exactly how long it takes, but if you are making mush you can't really overdo it), and pour the liquid off.

The consistency of acorns is like walnuts or almonds and will need to be ground down into meal, like corn or almond meal. My experience has been that you can just substitute acorns for the original grains, especially corn, in your recipe. I've never had mush, the closest thing I know is Indian Pudding that's served with molasses. (Yum!)

BTW, acorns have a maple-walnut like flavor.

I used to make acorn cookies from an oatmeal cookie recipe. :-) They tasted a lot like homesteaders.

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