

How do you walk a pig?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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SIT) You get a treat and hover the treat above it's eyes in a still motion. Don't hold the treat to high or the pig will jump for it, once your pig has it's butt completely on the floor give it a treat. If you wait to long to give your pig a treat she will not understand what she got praised for but don't offer it to her before finishing the trick either.

JUMP) Only teach this to your pig after mastering the sit command. Or else it will be more difficult for her to understand sit. All you have to do for this trick is the same for sit but lift the treat farther up and she/he should jump for it.

SPIN) Hold the treat for your pig in your fingers and show your pig the treat before acting upon the trick. Once she see's the treat have her follow treat in your hand around in a complete circle. Once she has done this reward her.

These were some simple tricks to teach your pig.


Use treats small enough to where she does not get full so soon, use healthy treats, and you should occasionaly switch up your treats for something different if you find she looses interest in the treat you offer.

Teach tricks to your pig in quiet with no other animals to interupt her concentration.

Be patient with your pig.

Never go onto another trick until the first one is mastered.


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13y ago

When showing a pig you will have a cane to use as a prop to make them walk. If you want the to slow down, then hit their forehead. If you want them to turn right, hit their left side. If you want them to turn left hit their right side. To get the to stop digging in the ground with their snout, hit their cheek. If you want them to walk, hit their butt. Make sure their head is always up to show the judge.

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13y ago

normally, you can train it to turn around or even stand up for treats. it should do that if you have its favourite treat.

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