

How do you tell a Monk parakeet male from a female?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you tell a Monk parakeet male from a female?
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How do you know if your parakeet is a female or a male?

to tell you look at there nostrill if it is blue or purple

How do you tell a male from a female on a blue parakeet?

A male is blue coloured above there nose, females have a brownish colour.

Can a male parakeet have eggs?

I'm pretty sure they can't. I'm sorry to tell you but your male bird is probably a female

How do you tell female from a male parakett?

By the way it's spelled parakeet not "parakett" anyway the way you can tell is by the breathing holes, if it is blue then he's a male if it is any other color then she is a female. That is all to know.

How tell if your parakeet is a boy or girl?

So the male Parakeet has a blueish cere, and the female has a pinkish brown cere. Here is a bad picture of what it kinda looks like

What color is a female parakeet?

a male parakeets cere is dark (dark purple blue ect.)

How can you tell the sex of a Quaker parrot?

As long as your parakeet is older than 6 weeks you will be able to tell the gender of your parakeet by looking at the little ridge of skin above the beak. If the skin is darker (dark purple, blue, etc.) the parakeet is a male. If the skin is lighter (a lavander or white color, etc.), the parakeet is female.

How do you tell if a parakeet a boy or girl?

The male (Boy) parakeets have a BLUE nose/cere (right above the beak) and females have a PINK or BROWN nose/cere, and babies are white, purple or in between so you will not be a ble to tell until they are older. you can google it just tipe in "Pictures of male parakeet" and when that comes up google "female parakeet pictures" and you should see what they look like

If a parakeet is green and yellow is it a girl or a boy?

No. In parakeets the color of the feathers is not how to tell the sex of a bird. The area where the birds nostrils are is how you tell the sex of a parakeet. If this area is a greenish or blueish it is a male. If this area is a light tan or pinkish it is a female.

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Males have a purple to dark blue colored cere (nose) and females have a white to light pink to brown (when ready to breed) cere.

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