

How do you treat a horse's cold?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Keep it warm, feed it more than usual and warm(er) water


Once the virus gets hold of the horse there are no specific cures for the virus. Two important treatments are fever reducers and rest. For the fever butazolidine (bute) is very effective. It will also relieve the aches that go along with the flu making the horse feel better so he will eat and drink.

Even more important than bute is adequate rest. These viruses attack the respiratory lining reducing a horse's resistance to infection by bacteria. The influenza virus also attacks the muscles and the heart. Rest allows the horse to heal with minimal complications. Usually 21 days of stall and paddock rest is adequate but if symptoms persist, particularly the cough, longer may be required.

Recently immune potentiating drugs have come on the market with some experimental work that they shorten the course of the disease. Recent concerns about their safety have been brought up. I will post new information here as it comes in.


There are a number of vaccines available for immunization against viral URT disease. They give moderate protection and are short lived. To get the full benefits requires an initial series of two shots about 30 days apart followed by boosters every 3 to 4 months.

In barns with a lot of young horses that travel, boosters every 2 months has been used effectively. For the horse that does not show or come into contact with a lot of other horses an initial series of 2 shots and yearly boosters will probably not prevent disease but will lessen the severity if he happens to come in contact with a virus. Young horses going to the trainers are particularly susceptible and boostering the vaccine 21 days before transport is well worth the cost.

Recent work suggests that the immune stimulants, containing a bacterial extract (Propionibacterium acnes) may shorten the course of viral respiratory diseases and when administered 2 and 5 days prior to shipping may lessen the incidence of respiratory disease in transported horses. Also from a prevention standpoint, transporting a horse facing backwards creates less stress, the most likely reason for the high incidence of respiratory disease following shipping.

Specific Recommendations when vaccinating:

  • Foals: Vaccinate at 6, 7, 12, 18 months of age.
  • Pleasure Horses: Annually and prior to exposure to groups of unknown horses.
  • Show and Performance Horses: Every 2 to 3 months.
  • Broodmares: Annually one month prior to foaling date and one month prior to shipping for breeding.
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