

How do you write a good story about Merlin?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Well, the first question you'd want to ask yourself is what aspect of Merlin are you wanting to write about? Do you want to write something that talks about his time as a child, or do you want to focusing on his relationship with Uther Pendragon? You could also do a story about his relationship with Arthur, or else one where he's come to our time for some reason. The next thing you'll need to figure out is what type of Merlin do you want? I've seen him be portrayed as everything from the grand almost-all powerful wizard down to a simple advisers who was just really wise and didn't really have anything mystical about him. Something that may influence the answer to that last question is whether you're wanting to go for a historical fiction feel, or a fantasy feel. If you are writing a historical fiction, but still want a bit of mystasisum, you can have him be an alchemist. If you want a fantasy, you can go all out. Those are the main things you might want to figure out before you even get started on a plot. Then from there you can decide if you want to give him a romantic intrest (most potrayals have that be the lady of the lake, and you can take your pick of names for her), or if you want to focus more on something else. Really, I think everything would stem from the way you answered those questions.

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