

How does a stock market crash?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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The term 'Crash' isn't a scientific word with a standard definition.

When a stock market crashes, this means that a stock index (fts, nasdaq etc) has fell a considerable amount.

How does this happen?In the short term it is a confidence crisis.Loads of people own shares in Towles PLC, which trade at 1 pound.

For some reason or another, either speculative or otherwise, market participants and share holders decide that the company is in terrible shape and the stock is worth noway near 1 pound.

Obviously, the shareholders are going to want to sell their shares and quick.

Lets say I have 100 shares and I want to sell them quickly, I must advertise this on the Stock Market. I call my broker and tell him that I want to sell the shares I have for 95 pence (I am willing to take a small loss because I think the shares will plummet further). He agrees and the offer is placed publically

In order for me to sell the shares, I have to find someone to buy them, but because everyone believes the stock is worthless they are not going to buy for 95 pence (even though it was worth 1 pound).

As a result, I must lower my asking price to 90 pence ..80 pence....70 pence UNTIL I HAVE FOUND SOMEONE WHO IS WILLING TO PAY THE CASH.

Now imagine the same thing is occurring with all the shareholders, in all firms - STOCK MARKET CRASH

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