

How does a user correct a wikipedia article?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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At the top of each page is a button that says "edit". Press that, and make your correction.

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11y ago
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Q: How does a user correct a wikipedia article?
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Wikipedia is user edited. Therefore anyone can put anything on there. For example: in 4th grade someone asked my teacher where spaghetti came from, and (joking, of course) he told them that it grew on trees. He then proceeded to make a wikipedia article about how spaghetti grows on trees. However, there is still lots of correct information, and lots of credible sources.

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You can only create a Wikipedia article about people of note. If you are not famous in some way, the Wikipedia editors will remove your article.

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I don't know who the author of the Solar Energy article is...but the first edits (Which was most likely the author) was made buy a user account called "EnriquePerez".

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At the top of the page, one of the tabs will be "History". Clicking on that will show who who made what changes when.

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You can see who made each change to a Wikipedia article by looking at the article's history tab.

Is WikiAnswers supposed to be like Wikipedia?

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Is all of Wikipedia true?

Sadly not all of Wikipedia is true. Wikipedia is an online user generated encyclopedia which can be edited by anyone. Some of the people editing have no idea what they are talking about leading to incorrect content. While there are many people on Wikipedia that try to correct these mistakes, they cannot catch all of them.

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Good question, since I don't know, i'l guess the article on wikipedia, lol, if there is one.

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