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Q: How does comparing yourself with others help you?
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Does the Bible say that you cannot help others until you first help yourself?

No, the Bible never says that you cannot help others until you first help yourself.

How can you stop comparing yourself to everyone else?

It takes practice and intent to stop comparing yourself to others. It can be done, however. A large part of it is realizing that you are just fine the way you are. Another part of it is realizing that you have a valuable contribution to make to the world.

Is there an essay of 'helping others' in Hindi?

help yourself by helping others

Is Yip Chun better than Bruce Lee?

They each have their individual talents. Comparing yourself to others may make you bitter and/or vain.

What can you do with an Accounting?

You help others answer questions and ask questions yourself.

In your own answer what is ALTRUISM?

Sacrificing or inconveniencing yourself to help others. Unselfish aid to others; generosity.

What can you do with an account?

You help others answer questions and ask questions yourself.

How does moral development help you?

It helps you do things that are helpful to yourself and others, while avoiding activities which might bring painful consequences to both yourself and others.

What is the theme of the turnip?

The theme is that you need others to help you and cant do everything by yourself

How would you compare yourself to something?

Comparing means finding things that are similar and different. Make a list for whatever it is you're comparing yourself to. How are you similar to that thing and how are you different?

Who said god gave you two hands one to help yourself and one to help others?

audrey hepburn

What do the 3 R's stand for about bullying?

You have the RIGHT not to be bullied. You have the RESPONSIBILITY not to bully others and if you can help others being bullied. You Should RESPECT yourself and others.