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Secular Humanism does not, by its very nature, have an established position on "money and career". SH is simply the philosophical position that there is no preternatural meaning, purpose or power in the world and as such humans must find their moral paths as individuals.

So if you, as an individual, find money and a good career to be a goal worth pursuing, it is your prerogative to do so. If you do not, you are free to explore and find what you think will make you happiest in life.

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Q: How does secular humanism regard money and career?
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How does secular humanism view money?

Secular Humanist believe in what can be seen. So they would do what Christians would do with Money. As a Christian, one would (or should) pay tithes (10 percent of one's earnings) to the Lord's storehouse (synonymous with the church today). There is nothing inherently wrong with money. As a matter of fact, devout Christians understand that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). So Christians do not love money, but rather use it in its proper place. Yes, The question "what you do with the money after you get it" is a great one. Secular humanist may give to the poor, feed the hungry, give money to charities, but if these things are done without love (God), then it is all for naught. It is true that each person as to take care of their family, but we have to take care of God's house before anything else, even saving some for retirement. Also, we should enjoy our lives with the money we earn and kept after doing the proper things with it.

What was the Renaissance concept of humanism?

Humansim is kinda being able to think on your own. Before the Renaissance, people would do whatever the church said to do, always believing they were right. Humanism is when people start thinking for themselves, and learning. Too bad for the churches, once the people knew how to read the bible, they found out that the churches were scaming them of thieir money!

Which Greek philosophers practiced philosophy for money?

I will focus only on the three big names in Greek philosophy:I believe the most notable philosopher to keep in mind with regard to money is Socrates. While he is considered the teacher of Plato, he did not receive payment of any kind for his teachings. Plato, on the other hand, did receive payment for in his Academy. Aristotle, like Plato, received payment for teaching in his Lyceum. He was also a personal tutor to Alexander the Great for which he was paid very well.

What you can buy with money and what you can't buy with money?

With money one can have all the worldly possessions imaginable. What money can't buy is love, friendship and eternal life.

Can money buy transcendence?

Money allows rocks to dream.

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How do secular humanism view money?

It is important to note that a person that holds a secular humanists viewpoint does not retain any specific opinion regarding wealth, however, it is sometimes incorrectly argued that humanists may be less inclined to share their wealth. Generally, secular humanists see money in much the same way as a person of faith. It would be fair to say that secular humanists are no more attracted to an extrinsic lifestyle when compared with other schools of thought. There is no evidence, for example, that a secular humanist would be less likely to use his or her wealth to support the work of charities; In fact there are many secular organisations which do just that.

What are the benefits of having a career than a job?

If you work for money in a career, you can gain money in a career

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Money and career are different among demographics, so the opinion of such also differs. Secular humanism, as a philosophy, really has no bearing on either; money and your job are objectively measurable and assessed.They are necessary to thrive.

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By savinq more money

How does secular humanism view money?

Secular Humanist believe in what can be seen. So they would do what Christians would do with Money. As a Christian, one would (or should) pay tithes (10 percent of one's earnings) to the Lord's storehouse (synonymous with the church today). There is nothing inherently wrong with money. As a matter of fact, devout Christians understand that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). So Christians do not love money, but rather use it in its proper place. Yes, The question "what you do with the money after you get it" is a great one. Secular humanist may give to the poor, feed the hungry, give money to charities, but if these things are done without love (God), then it is all for naught. It is true that each person as to take care of their family, but we have to take care of God's house before anything else, even saving some for retirement. Also, we should enjoy our lives with the money we earn and kept after doing the proper things with it.

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Is Bassett genuinely concerned about Paul's welfare, or does he simply regard Paul as a "money machine?"

How do secular humanists view money?

Like anyone else, we aren't evil.

Is it bad to only consider money when choosing a career?

Yes , it is bad to only consider money when choosing a career.

How do you spell fianancially?

The correct spelling is financially (with regard to money and/or finance).

Money and Careers?

Many people make money in the morning to finance their careers at night. The really entrepreneurial spirits have found a way to combine their career and money, and those who are further along still make money work for them while they work on their career, completely devoid of the need to have money validate them or their choice of career.

How much money has Miley Cyrus earned in their career?

close to 3,00,00 throughout her entire career

What rewards can the actor career provide?

An actors career is th money, fame, and everything you can imagine.