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Selective breeding is a process by which man selects traits in an animal species/breed which he deems the most beneficial to the human race. A great example is of the Belgian Blue breed of cow, few individuals were born with a genetic mutation that caused 'double muscle' meaning it essentially had twice the amount of meat, by only breeding from these animals or from the parents that produced the mutation you can breed a whole line of animals that will make you twice as much money as a normal beef cow. The same can be held true for dairy cattle, toady's cows have udders so big it is often difficult for them to even move around, but by breeding from those individuals with larger udders you can produce more milk per cow therefore make more money per cow i.e. higher productivity. The same general theme is seen over all of out domesticated animals from dogs to pigs, chickens etc, man breeds for traits he desires rather than those that would naturally survive.

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Why use selective breeding?

Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly

What are the different views on selective breeding?

Selective breeding is a way of creating stronger, more efficient animals. It is reliable and can increase the price of animals because of their garuntee.

How has selective breeding helped in dairy farms in the United States?

By using selective breeding the farmers can get bedder produce out of the offspring of the animals.

How is selective breeding used?

by mating animals cloely toghether

How Selective Breeding started?

buy choosing certain animals!

What are some example of selective breeding?

to save the endangered animals

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Cross breeding is simply taking two breeds of animals and mating them together (Such as a Charolais crossed with a Hereford). Where selective breeding is selecting the what two animals you want bred together to produce a better animal.

How can selective breeding help farmers?

Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly

Differences of cloning and selective breeding?

cloning is when you create an exact duplicate but selective breeding is when the animals reproduce to create an even better animal x

What are examples of selective breeding?

1. an example of selective breeding is crossing a poodle and a labor-doodle that have desired traits. usually this is practiced on by plants and animals.