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No such ceremony is necessary per teachings of Islam. The Muslims are advised to give their children good names and educate them properly so that they become good human beings and true Muslims.

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Q: How is naming ceremony perform according to Islam?
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What is a Muslim baby naming ceremony called?

synagogue or at home

How is naming ceremony performed in Islam?

on the seventh day after birth baby is given a nice name, preferably name of one of the propets or Prophet Muhammad's saws companions, and it is usually done by a righteous and pious person

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It is called "eid" in Arabic and feast in English.

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in islam no wedding ceremony is required, only the husband and wife has to say qabool 3 times. While in Hinduism there is a very long ceremony with vedic puja.

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There is no manhood ceremony in Islam, nor a particular age at which a boy is considered to be a man. It depends on the boy, his maturity, and the way people perceive him. There is no manhood ceremony in Islam, nor a particular age at which a boy is considered to be a man. It depends on the boy, his maturity, and the way people perceive him.

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Teachers are very very important in Islam. They perform the same duties as the Prophets used to perform. They mold the character of the young and help them in acquiring knowledge.

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Yes, forex is a haram according to the teachings of Islam.

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according to Islam it is not Haram but it is highly abominable in Islam.

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according to Islam, No, it is not haram and is allowed.