

How long before you can tell a woman is pregnant?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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With modern-day pregnancy tests you can already start testing a day after your period was supposed to start. Though as every women's hormone levels are different, it might take a little longer for you to get an actual positive test.

If you think you are pregnant (e.g. strong physical symptoms you didn't have before, no period when it's usually regular) and your tests keep coming back negative, go see your doctor. They can run additional tests and bloodwork for you.

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Q: How long before you can tell a woman is pregnant?
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Yes. The X Ray could cause damage to the fetus.

Will the guy know if a woman is pregnant?

Not unless you tell him.... if it's a first time pregnancy you will have longer before you start showing. Also, if you are a larger woman, your preganancy will not show for a longer period of time, as well.

Can a doctor tell if you got pregnant by stopping birth control?

No, there's no way to tell whether a woman was taking birth control when she got pregnant (unless she is pregnant with the implant or IUD).

Is there anyway for a woman to tell she is pregnant before missing her period?

There are the over the counter test kits that state they can tell in 5 days, but I doubt they are very accurate. The missing of a period is a sure indication of pregnancy.