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Over 70,000 Mormon Pioneers crossed the plains over a 25 year period. Some of these groups went much faster than others. The first group left Nauvoo, Illinois in early 1846 and wintered over in Iowa and Nebraska before arriving at Independence Rock, 965 miles away, on June 21, 1847.

Other groups left from various starting points, including Iowa City and St. Louis.

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Q: How long did it take the Mormon pioneers to make it to independence rock?
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Uhh, I don't know who "mormon beckworth is, but the term "Mormon" comes from the "Book Of Mormon", which is a sacred text to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Mormon is a slang reference to LDS.

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The Mormon Pioneers finally settled in Utah because they had found a place where there were no other existing inhabitants to kick them out (they got along pretty well with the Native American Tribes in the area). Also, before his murder, Joseph Smith prophesied that the saints would have to move west to the Rocky Mountains to find freedom. A very popular Mormon Hymn sung by the pioneers says "We'll find the place which God for us prepared far away in the west. Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid, there the Saints will be blessed."

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The Mormon Church (Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) does not own Usana. Several members of the senior staff of the company may be members of the Mormon church, but it does not make it a Mormon company.

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There you have it! P.S. Thats all folks! Merry Melonies inc.