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Thats a good question to ask your B/K attorney for state specific advice.

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Q: How long does a creditor have for repossession of vehicle after bankruptcy discharge in OH?
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Why hasn't the creditor picked up the secured vehicle if you filed chapter 7 bankruptcy and if they don't is it yours to keep?

More than likely the lender has not requested as yet had the BK stay lifted. If a secured creditor does not receive permission to be excluded from the BK they must wait until the discharge is final before proceeding with repossession action. No, the borrower does not get to "keep" the vehicle unless they are able to reaffirm the loan with the lender.

Can you file for bankruptcy with a repo on your credit?

The fact that you have a repossession on your credit report is not a determining factor of whether your can file for bankruptcy. Generally in bankruptcy you can remove the debts from the repossession of your vehicle.

How will you know what you still owe the creditor after a repossession?

The amount you will owe the creditor will be the amount of your auto loan (including repossession fees, interest, and collection charges) minus the amount the vehicle sold for at auction. The creditor will notify you of the amount due in writing after they auction off the vehicle.

Bankruptcy discharge and my creditor has refused to collect the vehicle due to its mechanical condition can I fix it and keep it with no further financial liability or them collecting it later on?

If they send you a lien satisfaction then it's yours.

In Utah when filing for bankruptcy can the creditor legally take your one and only vehicle?

The Utah vehicle exemption is $2,500.

Can a creditor sell a repossessed vehicle they have had in their possession if the debtor files bankruptcy?

Possession is 9/10th of the law. Not if the vehicle qualified to be listed in the bankruptcy filing. In which case no action pertaining to the vehicle can be taken until the bankruptcy proceedings are finished.

How can a co-signer file bankruptcy on an unpaid vehicle without interfering the credit of the primary signer?

By listing the creditor on the bankruptcy schedules.

How will voluntary repossession of a vehicle affect a persons credit score?

Same as a regular repo. The creditor may still put the repossession on your credit report and it would stay there for up to seven years. Notice the word "may", because it is at the creditor's discretion...

Which sort of bankruptcy should one use to retrieve a vehicle in Florida that was repossessed yesterday?

A vehicle is a secured debt, therefore bankruptcy action would not reverse the repossession. Bankruptcy only places a temporary halt to repossession or foreclosure of secured property. The only option available to the borrower to recover a repossessed vehicle is to reaffirm the lending agreement or make some other type of settlement with the lender.

Can a creditor get a warrant for vehicle repossession?

The creditor can obtain a replevin order from the court if it becomes necessary. Wisconsin is the only state which requires a replevin order to be in place before a vehicle can be recovered. All other states allow repossession under the UCC laws, although some do require the borrower to be notified and given a specified time to bring the account current before the vehicle can be seized..

Can a motorcycle be repossessed if the co-owner has a bankruptcy?

A motorcycle is considered a secured debt, meaning the cycle itself is the collateral for the loan. Bankruptcy temporarily halts repossession of a vehicle. In order to keep the vehicle the debtor must reaffirm the loan with lender. Be advised, all secured lenders can petition the BK court to lift the BK stay so that repossession action can continue.

Can you willingly repossess a car?

Unless you are a creditor, I assume you mean can you surrender a car to the lender in a voluntary repossession. If the creditor will do it, you can. Obviously it will depend on the mileage and condition of the car, but these days it is complicated by the state of the economy, so not likely. You can surrender the vehicle in a Chapter 7, where the creditor has no choice.