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Q: How long does homeless people can stay without water?
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How long can you go without hot water for your children?

not too long if they want to bathe. Go to the homeless shelter or YMCA and take a shower

Can people survive in the Sahara desert without water?

Not for very long. People cannot survive for very long without water, anywhere.

How long do homeless people stay out on the street?

it all depends how long a person has been homeless for or how much longer they will live without a home, that determines their accommodation. most homeless people tend to hide away from the open streets due to physical abuse. so really it all depends on the area. if safe then i would say several months if not a year.

What would people do without water?

They would die, and it wouldn't take very long.

When do people waste water?

people waste water when they leave the hose or faucet on for a long time without using the water even a little drop of water is still a lot of water people waste everyday

I am homeless in Seattle Washington with only a laptop what do I do?

i am homeless with a laptop aswell i reccomed you keep your laptop safe and sercure form other homeless people try to cover the fact that your homeless and cover the laptop itself with a cloths so people dont steal it you wont be homeless for long if have a laptop most homeless are homeless due to lack of tech so yeah dont worry just keep it near you

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People can live without water up to a week.

How long can rats go without food?

they can go pretty long without food but not to long without water

How long can leeches go without water?

never human does not without water

How long can people survive without water?

3 days, under normal conditions. It should be noted, however, that the environment can also affect how long we can survive without water. This includes air temperature, relative humidity etc.

How long can you go without water in the Sahara?

not long

How long can elephants go without food or water?

1 day without water.