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I called the lab at the hospital near me who does these bvlood test the person Ispoke with told me that if you take a blod test to early it will show up neg. you need to wait at least 1 week past when you were expected to start ovualation, it will not show a pos. if you are until implantation has taken place so if you chart your cycles and know when you ovulate then you can have one done with pretty much accrute results 7-10 days after that.sometimes sooner but for best results 7-10days

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My OB-GYNE said wait till 10 days of missed period. Type your answer here...

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Q: How long does it take to detect a pregnancy?
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How long does it take to know if you are pregnant or not?

Modern home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate and can detect the chemical markers for pregnancy about 6-12 days after conception. There are (more expensive, laboratory only) tests that are able to detect pregnancy as little as 48 hours after conception. If you're asking how long it takes to take the test ... not long at all, maybe 15 minutes.

Can opk detect pregnancy 1 week after ovulation?

no. opks are ovulation prediction kits. they detect when you ovulate. to find if youre pregnant, you have to take a pregnancy test

How many weeks does it take to know that your pregnant?

This will generally depend on the test that is used to detect a pregnancy. Blood tests are more accurate in that they can detect a pregnancy earlier. As soon as two weeks after a missed period, blood tests can detect levels of Hcg (the hormone pregnant females produce). Urine pregnancy tests generally do not detect a pregnancy before the 6th week because sometimes it takes that long for Hcg levels to rise to the point where a urine test will be sensitive enough to detect it.

Is an early pregnancy test the same to just a pregnancy test?

It all depends on how much of the pregnancy hormone (HcG) the pregnancy test can detect. Some detect as low as 10 mg of the hormone, and some take up to 100 mg.

Can the Progesterone Blood Test detect pregnancy?

Can the progesterone blood test detect pregnancy?

How long do you wait to do a pregnancy test if your period isn't regular?

Considering home pregnancy tests can detect it up to five days before your missed period, you can take one as soon as you realize you're late.

Can the doctor tell if you are pregnant by a pap smear?

A pap smear can't detect pregnancy. A pregnancy test is needed to detect pregnancy.

How do you detect pregnancy without missing periods?

Take a home pregnancy test or just go to your doctor and get bloodwork done to tell if you are pregnant

If a women can find out she's pregnant after 2 weeks of sex then why do the pregnancy tests not allow you to take it until your first missed period?

Home pregnancy tests detect hormone levels in your urine. Those hormones take a few days to show up. Home pregnancy tests are becoming much more sophisticated, and are able to detect pregnancy sooner and sooner.

How long do you have tafter your missed period do you have to wait to take a pregnancy test?

You can do a blood test which can detect pregnancy as soon as a week after fertilization. Home tests are usually not as accurate until 4 days before your period is due but some are more sensitive and can detect pg earlier. So to answer the question you can do a any of them as soon as you are late.

Can pregnancy tests detect other woman's problems other than pregnancy?

Unfortunately, they cannot. The sole purpose of a pregnancy test is to test whether or not a woman is pregnant. There are some devices that detect medical ailments and can detect pregnancy, but they are different.

Can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy if you got pregnant a week before your period?

A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.