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It canvarygreatly upon what you ingest carbohydrates andliquidswill pass much faster than proteins and fatty foods. The time can range from as little as 30 minutes to as long as 6 hours.

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Q: How long does your food slosh in your stomach?
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How long does the food stay in your stomach for?

3 hours

How long is the food stay in the stomach?

8 hours

What are 2 ways food is broken down in the stomach?

The stomach is a sac shaped like a "j" and is about eight inches long. In the stomach, food is mixed with acids. The muscles in the stomach move, which helps break down the food. The stomach is protected from the acid by a lining. From the stomach, the food pulp is sent to the small intestine. Food leaves the stomach a little bit at a time.

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How long does bacon stay in your stomach?

A few hours if that as all food entering the stomach starts to be dissolved by the acids in the stomach.

When you die how long does the food stay in the stomach?

When you die, the food in your stomach continues to break down because of the stomach acid that is inside the stomach at the time of death. Once the acid has neutralized, the food will no longer be digested. This takes about 24 hours.

What are the Similarities and Differences between stomach and esophagus?

Both have food that passes through it. The esophagus is a long narrow tube that pushes down food to the stomach. The stomach is a muscle covered sac that continuously churns food

How long does the food stay in your liver?

Food does not go to your liver, food only goes to your stomach and intestines.

How long does the food stay in stomach?

If your asking how long does food stay in your stomach before digesting is 4-6 hours. Depending on if your active after eating or not.

How long does it take for food to travel from you esophagus to your stomach?

45 days

How long is food in the esophagus before entering the stomach?

8 seconds

What is the name of the long pipe that shifts food from the back of your throat to the stomach?

The esopahagus is the pipe that moves food from your throat to your stomach. No digestion occurs in the esopagus, only transport.