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You should take her into the Veterinarian to have her checked out after whelping. Did she pass all her placentas for each pup? She should not be bleeding hardly at all. Get her checked out by your Vet. Take the pups with her and have them checked out too. Keep them all warm, put some hot water bottles under the blankets of the box you carry them in. Make sure there are plenty of blankets between the pups and the hot water bottles so they don't burn their skin.

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Q: How long will a dachshund bleed after giving birth to 6 puppies?
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The stupid hamster's but will bleed and get a scar for the rest of its life By: mahad

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i actually dont think it pitbull gave birth to 6 puppies and she didnt even bleed after all her puppies at all.u should probably have that taken cared of by the vet..hope shes ok and hope i helped :)))))

Is it normal for your dog to bleed from her anus after giving birth a few days later?

Some dogs will go back into heat soon after having puppies, even if they are still nursing them. In that case, it is normal for a dog to start to bleed after 4 weeks of having puppies. If the blood smells bad, looks odd, or if your dog seems ill, call your vet since she could be in need of treatment for an infection or other problem.

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Bitches bleed for several days and weeks after giving birth. It is the body's natural way of cleansing the uterus and birth canal. The nursing puppies causes her uterus to contract, and thus older blood is expelled. It is natural and she is fine, unless the blood looks bright and fresh.

How long does a cat continue to bleed after giving birth?

It is depend upon hamster, better to give a anti baitic in it's food and little milk, so the bleeding will stop soon or your hamster can die also. Take care of it.

How long will a dog bleed after delivering puppies?

For five or six weeks

Is it normal for a yorkie to bleed 1 month after giving birth?

No, it is not normal. My dog was bleeding for a week after giving birth and was brought to the vet. She had an infection in her womb which was easily treated with antibiotics. The infection is often caused by part of an afterbirth still being within the womb.