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Q: How long will you see roundworms in feces after deworming?
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What to do when puppies poop blood?

I would suggest taking your puppy to your veterinarian, along with a sample of the bloody feces. In a puppy, I would suspect hookworms or roundworms, but your veterinarian will need to do a physical examination to see what is happening.

How can you tell if a dogs has hook or roundworms?

The best way is to take a sample of your dog's feces into your Veterinarian and have it examined. Take samples from over a two day period and mix together. Your Vet will then examine the feces under a microscope and see what types of eggs are present. That will identify what types of internal parasites are there and the proper medication to be used. Round worms are very common.

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Do cats carry parasites?

Yes your cat can carry topical parasites, such as fleas, ticks, etc. and internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc. Take your Cat into see your Veterinarian for a good check up and also bring in a sample of the cat's feces to be checked for internal parasites.

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They look quite similar to feces from a dog but may contain numerous undigested seeds from the fruits they sometime consume. For images click on this link.

How many worms will your dog pass?

It depends on the amount of internal parasites your dog has. Who is doing the deworming? I would recommend you collect a sample of his feces over a 2 day period and take it into your Veterinarian to have it checked for parasite eggs. One parasite's eggs that don't normally show up on this test is the tapeworm. Their eggs are passed in segments which are difficult to see. After your dog is dewormed, make sure to repeat the deworming again in 10-14 days. Sometimes you will see things that look like spaghetti, that is round worms and sometimes you will see something that looks like little grains of rice, that is tapeworms. The other types such as hookworms, you won't be able to see.

What are the adaptations of a mealworm?

The roundworms have adapted to almost every environment. It has been said that if all life were eliminated except the roundworms, then you could see the ghosts of all formerly living things by the residue of the roundworms which have lived on and inside them.

Can a dog get tapeworms from eating canine feces with live tapeworms segments?

Tapeworms occur from swallowing a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae, which can occur while the dog or cat is simply self-grooming. once the flea is digested inside the dog/cat, the larval tapeworm can develop into adulthood. Roundworms, on the other hand, are the most common intestinal parasite in dogs and cats. Animals infected with roundworm pass the infection to other animals when the worm eggs develop into larvae and are present in the animal's feces. A dog or cat could pick up the infection by eating infected soil, licking contaminated fur or paws, or by drinking contaminated water. Whipworms are passed through animal feces in a similar manner as roundworms. Healthy pets may not show any signs of worm infection. However, if you notice a change in your pet's appetite or coat, diarrhea, or excessive coughing, see a veterinarian. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, in most cases a fecal test will detect the presence of worm eggs or adults in a pet's feces. If present, the veterinarian will recommend a deworming program. A good way to prevent worm infections is by using one of several monthly heartworm preventatives available from your veterinarian.

What should you do if you have ingested human feces?

See a doctor.

What is the term associating different colors of feces?

There are different colors of feces for many different reasons. Black feces indicates blood and you should see a doctor immediately. Green feces may indicate that you are a certain food dye.

What are home remedies for deworming a dog?

Parsley and water is one home remedy for deworming a dog. You can also find deworming products at your local pet store.I would just recommend buying a wormer. You can find them on many online sites for pretty cheap, and that way you would know you are not putting your dog in danger by subjecting him to a potentially toxic remedy. Feed stores may also carry them.

How would you know if a dog has worms?

You can see them in it's feces.