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It depends on the case. The court must consider the whole situation when deciding on appropriate consequences.

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Q: How long would a juvenile go to juvy for a death threat?
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What crimes have been committed with the consequences of juvenile detention?

YOU CAN GO TO JUVY FOR swearing in a public

How does the juvenile justice system work in the US?

The juvinelle worx that if a kid bes bad he/she will go to juvy

What is juvy like?

Juvenile detention, or juvy, is a facility where underage individuals who have committed crimes are held. It typically provides education, counseling, and rehabilitation programs to help young offenders reintegrate into society. Conditions may vary, but the focus is on helping juveniles learn from their mistakes and make positive changes in their lives.

Did Demi Lovato go to juvy?

No she never went to juvy.

What is the name combination of Dave and juvy?

name combination of rafael and juvy

How long can you go to juvy for threatening?

There is no general answer, the laws of all states are different. Also, not enough is known about the circumstances of the threat - the age of the minor - their prior record (if any) - etc.

You stole two phones and somebodys passport with money out of their wallet can you go to juvy for this and if yes how long?

The answer is, yes you can be sentenced to juvenile detention. The even worse news is that stealing a passport is a federal offense

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Can you house baby leopard geckos with juvenile leopard geckos?

no you can not. the juvy will take all the food leaving no food for the baby. There is also chances that the bigger one may mistake the smaller one as food and swallow it whole.

What do you do to be put in juvy?

Commit a crime while you are a child. Any crime that you can be charged or put in jail for. Petty theft to assault can put you in juvy.

Can a five year old to go juvy?


Can you go to juvy for smoking weed?
