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I dough you'll go to the party tonight.

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Q: How make sentence dough?
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What is a sentence using the word dough?

You can play with play dough.

How do you make a sentence with knead?

In order to release the air bubbles in the dough, the baker must knead the dough. A sculptor kneads his clay before he begins sculpting.

Is You must knead through the dough a good sentence?

The baker began to knead the dough.The kitten uses her paws to knead her owner.

What is a sentence with doe and dough?

The doe nibbled on the tender dough left out on the counter.

What is a sentence for the word dough?

I am making pizza dough from scratch for dinner tonight.

What is homemade dough?

homemade dough is dough u make by hand

Can yo give a sentence using the word dough?

The recipe calls for you to kneed the dough for 30 minutes.

How do you put dough in a sentence?

The baker kneaded the dough before shaping it into loaves to bake bread. "Give me all the dough!" the robber whispered menacingly.

How do you use the word lump in a sentence?

There was a lump in the dough

How do you make dough in doodle?

water + flour = dough

How do you make cookies not cookie dough?

You have to make cookie dough in order to make cookies. Then you place the dough on baking sheets, and bake it until it becomes cookies.

How do you make sentence about the word continued?

The party continued until the wee hours of the morning. She continued stirring until the dough was thoroughly mixed.