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Over 7 million Jews were killed throughout Europe during the Holocaust. I really don't see how people can deny that the Holocaust happened at all. Think of all of the survivors. You can't fake that kind of trauma to a person's spirit.


The 'classic' figure is 6 million, but some historians give the range 5.1-6 million. (7 million is too high).

For the question of evidence see the related question.

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Q: How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust and how does this prove the Holocaust did happen?
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Related questions

In the Holocaust what did Jews get killed for doing?

In the Holocaust Jews were killed simply for being Jews, in fact simply for existing.

How many Jews are alleged to have been killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust?

6,000,000 Jews were killed during the holocaust.

Who killed Jews in the holocaust?

the natzi's killed the Jews in the hollicost.

Why did the holocaust happen to the jews and not other people?

6 million Jews killed 7 million other undesirables killed in camps 25 million soldiers and civilians killed in war

What family was killed to start of the Holocaust?

jews were the first who were killed at the stsrt of holocaust

How many Jews were killed during the holocaust'?

The official figure is that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

Was it only Jews that were killed in the Holocaust?


How many people were killed in the holocaust other than Jews?

People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.

Why did Hitler want to Holocaust to happen?

So all the Jews would be vanished... killed.... tortured. He hated Jews. He blamed them for all the problems in Germany!

Why are there so few Jew in all of Poland?

Millions of Polish Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust period?

6 million jews were killed in the holocaust

What did Jews want during the holocaust?

to not be killed