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In one year it could be any amount it depends on the animal and the procedure.

if its a monkey procedure for a medicine test then about 20 monkeys are used. if its a snake procedure for a medicine test around 80 snakes are used.

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Q: How many animals are used each year for this purpose of testing?
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What is the purpose of animal testing?

Many animals are dieing and that is were animal testing the animals comes in for good purpose. The purpose of improving human life instead of sacrificing a human you give up an animal. There are so many animals in the world and animals are still producing more. Think about it "It's you or the animal."

Approximently many animals are used in animal testing each year?

Approximately 12 .1 million animals are used a year for testing.

How many animals die each year from animal testing in the US?


How many animals are killed down to animal testing each year?

60 - 100 million.

How many animals from 2000 2010 have died from animal testing?

Each year there is an estimate of 100 million animals so times that by 10 and you've got 1000 million animals dieing from animal testing! That alot of animals :/

How many animals died last year from animal testing?

About 22 animals die every second in testing labs around the world each second. So 22 x 32,536,000(seconds in a calendar year) = 693,792,000 animals die every year.

What are the sideffects on animals after animal testing?

There are many side-effects to testing in animals such as permanent brain damage, cancer, and even death.

Why do people use animals for testing?

There are many reasons why people use animals for testing. One reason is that they don't want to risk killing a human.

How many animals die in Washington from animal testing?

In Washington state from 2007 to 2008, roughly 1850 animals died due to animal testing :(

How many animals die from animal testing in Europe?

There is about 17,000

How many animals become blind do to testing?

I don't know how many, but rabbits are often blinded due to testing. Cosmetics and other products are put in rabbit's eyes to test how it reacts. After this, they are killed. Other animals are probably blinded in testing too.

Should animals be used for scientific researches?

If you think about it humans are animals it is just that we are the only kind of animal that can stand on two feet and we can communicate with each other so testing on animals is almost like testing on one of your friends or a member of your family I love animals and i don't like seeing them being hurt so please help the cause to stop animal testing :)