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They estimate that about 200,000 Americans have a severe form of Tourette Syndrome. About 1 in 100 children show mild symptoms.

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Q: How many people have tourette syndrome in the world?
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Can people with asperger's syndrome have children?

Yes. people with Tourette's Syndrome can have kids but, there is a very big chance for the child to have Tourette's and also if you have a sibling with Tourette's like i do you also have a chance to have a child with Tourette's or even just the side symptoms of Tourette's like OCD, ADD, ADHD, or anxiety.hope this helps

Is there a syndrome that can appear to be tourette's syndrome?

Many nervous disorders can produce symptoms like Tourette's. Extreme stress can resemble Tourette's. Sometimes autism spectrum disorders will result in Tourette's-like characteristics.

How many people out of how many people get tourette's syndrome?

Wikipedia lists the number as one in a hundred children , but if this number is correct it is also quite frightening!

How many people die in the US of Tourettes syndrome?

It's estimated that about 200,000 people (equals one out of every 200 people) suffer from tourette's in the United States.

What are the implications of having Tourette's syndrome?

Tourette's is often associated with Tics. They are basically repetitive and uncontrollable outbursts of movements or speech. Most common are eyes that twitch or blink alot and even people who keep jerking their heads. There are many different kinds of tourette's though, as far as specific movements and speech patterns. Hope this helps :)

How many people have Tourette syndrome in the us?

Over 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people have Tourettes Syndrome in the United States of America Over 100,000 (one hundred thousand) people have Tourettes Syndrome in the United States of America

What are eyes turrets?

Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, more commonly, simply Tourette's or TS) is an HeredityNeuropsychiatrydisorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) Ticand at least one vocal (phonic) tic; these tics characteristically wax and wane. Tourette's is defined as part of a Spectrum_disorderof Tic_disorder, which includes transient and chronic tics.Tourette's was once considered a rare and bizarre Syndrome, most often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks (Coprolalia), but this symptom is present in only a small minority of people with Tourette's.Tourette's is no longer considered a rare condition, but it may not always be correctly identified because most cases are classified as mild. Between 1 and 10 children per 1,000 have Tourette's; as many as 10 per 1,000 people may have tic disorders, with the more common tics of eye blinking, coughing, throat clearing, sniffing, and facial movements. Tourette's does not adversely affect intelligence or Life_expectancy. The severity of the tics decreases for most children as they pass through adolescence, and extreme Tourette's in adulthood is a rarity.

How many people have joubert syndrome in the world?

Approximately 500 - 600 people in the word have Joubert Syndrome.

Is there someone who has Tourette Syndrome who would like to be interviewed?

Tourette Syndrome is, often (depending on severity), not a fun condition to have. Many sufferers may be unwilling to put themselves in spotlight. That being said, there are documentaries of interviewed Tourette's sufferers, one called 'I swear I can't help it'. Such documentaries are usually quite informative. Due to the sensitive nature of Tourette's being apparently an unpleasant condition, it is up to the inteviewee whether they be interviewed, not up to the interviewer.

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Is tourettte syndrom inherited?

Yes and No. Some people with Tourette's Syndrome inherited it but about 10-15% represent new gene mutations. It is thought now to be a genetic disorder (carried on our genes) but persons, whose parents do not carry any of the genes that might be the cause, could be the FIRST in their family line to start it by having an abnormality in a gene develop during cell divisions after the ovum and sperm have joined. Not everyone who inherits a gene carrying the trait for Tourette's Syndrome will have it. Some will have very few or even no symptoms of Tourette's Syndrome but (primarily females) may develop Obsessive Compulsive symptoms. A search engine will give you a list of many very helpful entries about Tourette's Syndrome (TS). Some of those will be erroneous.