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half a billion watch the moon landing

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Q: How many people watched the moon landing?
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How many watched the first moon landing?

It has been estimated that half a billion people watched the moon landing on TV.

How many people watched the first moon landing on the tv?

It is estimated that 600 million saw the moon landing on T.V.

How many people watch the moon landing in tv?

It is estimated that between 500-600 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing on their televisions.

How many people watched the Apollo mission?

An estimated 600 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing live on television.

How did people watch the moon landing?

Most of us watched it on TV.

How many people watched the last landing on the moon?

Nobody knows for sure - but I would guess that it would be anyone with a television

How many people watched neil Armstrong on the moon?

Hundreds of millions! It'll never be known EXACTLY how many people watched Neil Armstrong's moon landing on TV, but it was beamed live around the world and watched by all races in all continents. It was one of the greatest events ever to be shown live on TV.

What percentage of the world's population watched the moon landing?

The mid-year population estimate for 1969 shows there were approximately 3,631,478,167 people on the planet. It is estimated that around 600 million people watched the Apollo 11 landing live on T.V. 600,000,000 / 3,631,478,167 = 0.16522. Roughly 16.5% of the world population watched the first lunar landing.

Which important people were around at the first landing on the moon?

An estimated 600 million people, or nearly 17% of the entire world's population at the time, watched the landing. It's safe to say that nearly every important person from 1969 watched the event.

Who was invovled in the landing on the moon?

There were many thousands of people involved.

What time of day did man first step on the moon?

That would depend on what time zone of the Earth you were living in. The lunar landing was televised live and many millions of people watched it, obviously the moment of landing occured at different local times in different time regions.

How many people believe that moon landing mission is a hoax?

Around 6%