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President Obama will get a good number of votes. The people who presently make the most noise have very short memories. They forget that the Bush/Republican/Conservative policies pushed us right into the economic mess we find ourselves in now. From the tax cuts that reduced revenue to wars in the Middle East to the sub-prime lending fiasco- they all pushed the United States toward financial ruin.

The supporters of less governments and tax cuts never acknowledge that those policies lead toward job loss when cities and towns and states (and other employers as a result of the domino effect) need to reduce to minimum staffing. That all leads to unsafe conditions, deterioration of neighborhoods, overburdened schools and the decay of our vital infrastructures. It takes money to maintain our "greatest country" status- lots of money.

Tax cuts didn't result in more jobs. Corporate America is mindless except for supporting outrageous salaries. It outsources millions of jobs to other countries, wiping out entire formerly American industries, and continues to find ways Americans can buy its products on credit. It used the excuse of the Wall Street crash to terminate millions of jobs that certain people seem to want President Obama to miraculously "recreate".

Many voters know that Obama's hands have been tied by inherited problems beyond his control, a conservative cartel that vowed to make his administration fail and extreme partisanship. They will continue to support him if he runs again.

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Nobody knows-- the election is not until November. I believe that most pol;s indicate that if the election were held today, Obama would be favored to win. However, polls are often poorly designed and even if they are scientifically designed for accuracy, people change their minds and/or give false information. The Republicans have not really united behind one candidate nor they have their really began to campaign against Obama. Only time can tell what will happen between now and election day.