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Initially, your score will only go up by 5 - 20 points, depending on the student loan balance, and whether or not you are transferring it to another lender. If the loan is in collection, you may actually lower your score by paying it off (see "Will Paying Off an Old Collection Lower my FICO Score" - another topic I discussed earlier on this board). Of course, over time, your score will improve greatly - especially in comparison to leaving a defaulted student loan on your credit history. But do not expect a tremendous increase just because a defaulted loan is paid. Paying off a loan does not erase the fact that the loan was in default. The history still stands, and will continue to effect your FICO scores until the 7 year statute of limitations has expired (though by that time, the effect on your FICO will be minimum, as it becomes diluted over time).

Hope this helps!

-Sometimes the 1st initial impact of paying off a debt, even a derogatory bad debt is a DROP in credit score. It is strange, however, paying off a debt essentially closes an account. And account closings could temporarily lower your score, especially an installment debt such as student loan. Nobody knows the FICO score formula for sure, it is intended to be a mystery on purpose or else millions of people would begin manipulating their score and breach the score's ability to predict the future. However, installment debt, especially student loans may have a positive effect on your score if you simply continue to pay ON TIME instead of paying off completely.

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Credit scores are calculated based on ALL the information in your permanent credit file. So questions like yours are nearly impossible to answer.

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Probably not very much. Credit scores are built around paying on time, how much you currently owe, and how long you've had credit. Paying off a loan won't raise your score much, but an on-time paying history for that loan will be a real good thing for your score and report once it appears.

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It is so important to maintain a good credit score, and if you need to raise your score, there are a variety of ways to do so. Here are a few sites that can provide you with great advise for improving our credit score:

How do you raise your credit score?

A good way to raise your credit score, is to get a credit card with a limit on it, and only use about $10 a month on it, and pay it back immediately. This will help to raise your credit score gradually.

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Credit counseling does not always work and may actually make your credit score worse. There are no quick fixes to raise credit scores and just pay your bills.

How can you raise your credit score quick?

The fastest way to raise your credit score is to pay off all of your outstanding credit card debts and any non-collateralized personal loans. After two (2) months, the status of zero balances across many products will raise your credit score. Now, if your credit score is low because of missed payments, judgments, writeoffs, etc., doing the above will raise your score, but not to a level where you will find it easy to obtain new credit instruments.