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We have 7 senses.






The other two are the VESTIBULAR and the KINESTHETIC

The Kinesthetic sense lets us know what position our body is in. For instance, if you were in a dark room and held up five fingers, without seeing them, you would know you are holding up five fingers.

The Vestibular sense lets us know what direction we are facing (upside down or right-side up). For instance, if you are hanging upside down, your body knows that by the vestibular fluids running up to your head (the sensation of "blood rushing to your head").

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13y ago
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6d ago

Humans have five traditional senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Additionally, some researchers believe in the existence of other senses such as proprioception (body awareness) and vestibular sensation (balance and spatial orientation).

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13y ago

You have 7 or 8.

1. the Basics: smell

2. hear

3. touch

4 taste

5. see

You also can have a sixth sense, but only true believers of the Zodiac have it.

6: ability to see the future

7: Mind

8: Balance

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13y ago


Most children are taught that the human body has five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. But many neurologists identify nine or more senses, and some list as many as 21.The widely recognized senses are these 7

We have 7 senses.






The other two are the VESTIBULAR and the KINESTHETIC

The Kinesthetic sense lets us know what position our body is in. For instance, if you were in a dark room and held up five fingers, without seeing them, you would know you are holding up five fingers.

The Vestibular sense lets us know what direction we are facing (upside down or right-side up). For instance, if you are hanging upside down, your body knows that by the vestibular fluids running up to your head (the sensation of "blood rushing to your head").

Read more: How_many_senses_do_you_have

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13y ago

five senses: sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.

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12y ago

Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, balance, temperature and pain are all separate senses that most people have, making 8 in all.

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11y ago

a human has 5 sense organs

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