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Q: How many species become extinct each day?
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How many species become extinct due to deforestation?

millions of species are going extinct each day due th deforestation

Approximately how many species become extinct on earth each day?

about 100

How many species become extinct everyday?

About 35 - 150 species of life become extinct everyday. Most due to deforestation (loss of rainforest).

How many species of animals become extinct every day in the Amazon?

35,150 animals become extinct every year.

How many species of animals become extinct?

99 out of every 100

How many plant and animal species have become extinct in the US since the 1500s?

500 species

How many species of plants and animals become extinct everyday as their habitate and human influences destroy them?

how many species of plants and animals become extinct every day as their habitat and human influences destroy them

How many animals are excinct?

It is hard to determine exactly how many animal species are extinct because some species become extinct before scientists even know they existed. As far as science can tell, there are over 900 extinct species.

How many species have gone extinct since 1681?

It is hard to calculate the number of animals that have become extinct since 1681 since some species went extinct before scientists knew they existed. What is known is that more than 90 species of birds and hundreds of species of mammals have gone extinct since then.

How could animals be extinct?

Animals are extinct when there's no known animals part of the species still alive.Or, if you're asking how they become extinct, that can be because of many causes.

How many kinds of butterflies are there in Singapore?

There have been 381 species of butterflies discovered and named in Singapore. Unfortunately, 55 of these species have become extinct.

How many species are extinct in a minute?

3.5 species are extinct in a MINUTE. That's sad.