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thousands and thousands of trees are planted

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Q: How many trees are planted on earth day?
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Related questions

How many trees are planted trees every year for arbor day?

over 8.5 millon

How many trees are planted each year in the U.S.?

It is estimated that between 1.6 billion and 2.6 billion trees are planted in the U.S. each year through commercial forestry practices, reforestation efforts, and urban tree planting initiatives.

How many trees are planted every day in the whole world?

Unknown. No records are kept on how many trees are planted. A fellow goes to a store buys a tree and puts it in his yard there is no data kept on this action.

How many trees are planted each day?

It is impossible to tell because a different amount of tree's are planted everyday Hope I Helped Thanks

Many people plant these on earth day?


Why is earth day the only planted with life?

there are humans

How was arbor day made?

it was made by these one people that move to this one place and saw that there wsnt any trees and then planted some trees :/

How many treees planted in India annually?

about 10 thousand are planted a day witch is not a lot at alllllll :(

Why plantation is necessary?


Do Americans celebrate earth day?

Earth day is a great time to care about Earth, many people in the United States celebrate earth day by recycling, picking up trash, planting trees, saving more energy, etc. So remember everyday is Earthday

Why is arbor day so important?

Arbor day is a day to think about earth. Plant trees, don't pollute, and recycle. For this day you just try to help this day the most you can. Just like earth day you try to save the polar bears and stop polluting that is what you do for Arbor Day!

What is done during Arbor Day or week?

Arbor day is dedicated to the planting and conservation of trees. Education programs on horticulture and tree care are held in some places.