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You should consult your veterinarian. Breeding females can pass parasites to their pups both in the womb and through milk, so deworming the female is extremely important. Most of the commonly used dewormers on the market in the US for dogs can be used in pregnant and nursing animals, but the specific times to deworm to prevent infection of pups before and right after birth should be discussed with your veterinarian as the recommendations are different for the different deworming drugs.

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Q: How many weeks after give birth can you deworm a mother dog with pups?
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How are quokkas born?

Quokkas are marsupials so, like all marsupials, they give birth to embryonic young that are extremely undeveloped. These tiny newborns are blind, hairless, and about the size of a bean. When they are born, they crawl into their mother's pouch where they attach to one of the teats which swells inside the joey's mouth, ensuring it will not be dislodged when the mother moves. They usually give birth to a single baby at a time, and the joey will stay in its mother's pouch for around 25 weeks.

How do quokkas reproduce?

Quokkas are marsupials so, like all marsupials, they give birth to embryonic young that are extremely undeveloped. These tiny newborns are blind, hairless, and about the size of a bean. When they are born, they crawl into their mother's pouch where they attach to one of the teats which swells inside the joey's mouth, ensuring it will not be dislodged when the mother moves. They usually give birth to a single baby at a time, and the joey will stay in its mother's pouch for around 25 weeks.

Do hamster give birth or lay eggs?

They give birth. They're mammals, not birds.

Can dogs give birth to cows?

No. Dogs have puppies and Cows have calves. no they can;t but they can give birth to humans my mother is a jack russel, called Patch.

Does a cow have a baby out their bum?

Generally yes. However, cows do not give birth to calves out of their anus: they calve or give birth out of their vagina or birth canal, just like your mother gave birth to you and your little brother or sister.

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f it was after 24 weeks it would be a stillborn baby so the mother would have to be induced into labour and give birth to it. If it died before it was 24 weeks then it would be classed as a misscarraige but the mother may have to still give birth.x

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It will take approximately 9 weeks for a female miniature Dotson to give birth.

Can you remove pups from mother at time of birth?

Its not advised. While she is giving birth, you are supposed to take them away from her until she is done delivering her puppies. You can give them away when they have all their shots by 6 weeks.

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the mother will find a safe den and wait to give birth

How long does it take before your pregnant pug gives birth to puppies?

It takes six weeks for a dog to give birth. Also, sometimes a mother will reject her pups. If this occurs, (rarely), you will need to bottle feed the puppies until they are 6 weeks old. This is the time of ''weening''.

Where do mother whales give birth?

in the water

If the mother is o plus and the father is o plus what type of babies do they give birth to?

The Mother will give birth to babies with Blood Type O,

Is it normal to give birth at 6 weeks stop bleeding then get you period at 8 weeks for 5 days then 3days after your period you have a little lite red blood again?

It is NOT normal to give birth at 6 weeks.

How can you tell when hamsters have babies?

Lazy and bigger nipples means ready to give birth

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Possums give birth and then the baby’s will then go to the pouch of the mother and continue growing there

When a lion cub is being born who is present at birth?

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