

Best Answer

Far less than there should be.

The fact is that every single academic study which has looked at the full spectrum of intimate violence has found that women are at least AS likely - most prove MORE likely - than men to use violence in their relationships. See for "<i>...271 scholarly investigations: 211 empirical studies and 60 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 365,000."</i>

Erin Pizzey - who opened the first "battered women" shelter in the world, also found that the women she was trying to help were at least as violent as their alleged "abusers." See her here in her own words (part 1 of 3). Some of her story can be found in her book "prone to violence" - free online at There's much more - I couldn't quickly find the essay I was looking for - wherein she explains clearly her conclusions and her punishment by the "domestic violence industry" for daring to voice such heretical realities.

A woman shoots her husband while he's sleeping, claims "abuse.

A PREACHER'S wife muirders her husband - and claims "abuse" because he "forced" her to wear stockings and heels for sex.

Another woman shoots her husband from behind as he's seated on the back steps - the only thing left of his head was "a donut-shaped piece of skin" - the hole in the donut being where the shotgun was against his head.

All of these women - and countless more - walked free, because they claimed "abuse." That there was ZERO evidence of said "abuse" - never a 911 call, noone ever saw a bruise - NOTHING.

Meanwhile, truly abused men are routinely treated as criminals when any objective look at the evidence will show she was the abusive one.

A man met a woman in a bar. Later that evening he "saves" her from her apparently abusive boyfriend, who had her in a "headlock" at the time. He does a good job of teaching this miscreant that real men will take serious offense to anyone mistreating a woman. He then takes her to the hospital for treatment of the bruises on her hands, takes her home to change her locks and gather the boyfriend's few belongings, then to the Courthouse to obtain a restraining order. One thing led to another, and a few weeks later he moved into her house.

On the very day he moved in, she had her first violent, utterly incomprehensible explosion. He returned to his (now almost empty) home, unwilling to live in such a situation, but within a couple of day's she'd succeeded in convincing him it wouldn't happen again. It was only a couple of months until the first time HE had her in a headlock identical to the one he'd rescued her from on the night they met -- it was the only way to stop her from attacking him.

She'd sworn repeatedly there was "no possible way" she could get pregnant, and claimed to be allergic to latex and the lubricants on non-latex condoms. His daughter was born 10 months and 2 days from the night they met - his first and her third child - her kids were 5 and 2.

When the child was just a few weeks old, she first threatened the child's life. He quit his job and took over as a "stay home dad" - also starting a home-based business that made even more income than he'd made while working. Less than 2 years later she was again pregnant - although they'd only had "relations" one time about six months before the child was born, she claimed the child was "premature." He could see no way out of the situation with his kids, and couldn't bear the thought of leaving them with their violent, chaotic mother. He refused to question the younger-daughter's paternity - he loved her unconditionally as well.

He tried and tried to make the situation work, even marrying her after she "confessed" that all of her explosions were rooted in fears of abandonment. In the 5.5 years before he left for good, he'd called the 911 11 times (and been forced to leave each time, forced to leave his children with this violent woman. On more than one occasion as he was being forced to leave, she stood on the porch with his daughter in her arms - dragging her finger across the child's throat in the "throat-cutting" gesture.

In those years he'd left with his kids 10 other times, and received 66 stitches and had a couple of teeth re-implanted as a result of her "explosions." The first 10 of those times he'd fallen for her promises that *THIS* time she'd really stick with therapy, take her medicine - do all the things she new she needed to do to get herself "straight."

Her violent outbursts always came out of the blue. They could be snuggling on the couch, she'd go the bathroom and come back as if nothing were wrong - then leap on him screaming and beating him with whatever she'd put her hands on.

She told him the most horrific stories of abuse suffered at the hands of her older kids' father - he figured it was no surprise she was violent - noone could live through such abuse without being a wreck. He helped her strip him of nearly all rights - sure that he was doing the right thing to protect all of them.

When she figured out he really wasn't coming back the 11th time, she grabbed the kids and disappeared - he later found into a "battered women's shelter." His last conversation with her, she'd promised to kill his kids and then herself - but noone would help him since she claimed HE was the violent one.

Months passed - he was barely alive, consumed with fear for his kids, despondent that he'd never see them again. One day he was served - on his job - with a restraining order, prohibiting him from any contact with his kids or their mother, and taking so much of his income he was forced to move back in with his mother.

He sat in the "hearing" and listened to her tell the very same horrific stories - verbatim - about HIM that she'd once told him about the other man. He was stunned that despite all evidence she was believed, and his "restraining" continued - though he was allowed "visitation" with his kids, now >5 and ~18 months. They literally screamed in fear and ran from him at first - having been told that they had to hide from him for all these months because he was going to kill them. He was forced to sit in his car and watch her sell his belongings at a yard-sale. He didn't dare even speak - he knew he'd end up in jail.

One day he was hauled from his job in handcuffs - and given very rough treatment by the "officers." Eventually he learned that she'd charged him with breaking into her home in the night and threatening her with a shotgun. He escaped prison only because he'd been thousands of miles away at the time - without her knowledge - and able to prove it. She was not punished for her perjury in any way.

He then really realized how evil this woman could be, and began secretly recording all their interactions. Though The Court had ordered her to have someone else bring the kids to him, she couldn't resist the weekly opportunity to scream abuse at him while he was forced to sit and take it - he chalked it up to the cost of being allowed time with his kids.

He was again hauled from his job in handcuffs - this time charged with "threatening her with a handgun" at a visitation exchange. Thankfully he had his tape - which showed her screaming and cursing at him while his then 5-yo daughter cried "Mommy, PLEASE don't curse at Daddy, Mommy PLEASE don't curse at..." -- over and over until Mommy finally screamed "Shut the F*** UP!" at the child and literally threw her in the car.

The Judge informed him such taping was a violation of his state's "wiretapping" laws, and smashed his tape with his gavel before throwing it in the trash. He warned the man that any further taping could land him in jail on felony charges, but dismissed the current case. Once again, Mom wasn't punished for perjury.

There were numerous, equally horrific examples of her evil, but she was awarded "primary physical custody" though they had "joint legal custody" -- his kids were left in this evil situation. He was careful to record and document everything, and when his eldest daughter began to display the same sort of abberrant behavior which psychs had blamed on Mom's instability when her older siblings exhibited it, he finally felt he had no choice but to seek a change in custody. At this point he learned that "youngest" had been labeled "developmentally delayed to a significant degree" by Docs Mom had taken her to. He'd known she was a bit "behind" but figured this was due to her environment -- but it was a shock to hear this "diagnosis" since she was an outgoing, fun kid during her time with him.

Mom responded with another restraining order - this time accusing him of sexually abusing his daughters. According to her, all the kids' "problems" were a result of this "abuse". She'd even coached the child to answer certain questions in a certain way so as to support her allegations. But for an astute social-worker - whose brother had been falsely accused - and his careful documentation of medical records and etc, he'd be in prison as a convicted child molester. The charges were dismissed, and The Court finally ordered the forensic psych eval he'd been seeking for years.

This finally brought out the truth about this very sick, truly evil woman, and he was finally awarded sole legal custody of his girls. Mom was - as usual - never punished in any way for her false accusations or over 300 counts of perjury he was able to easily prove. Worse yet, she was granted even more visitation than he'd ever gotten - even with all the forensic and other evidence of her evil and sickness. She wasn't even ordered to pay any child-support at all.

Ten years have now passed, and his daughters have grown into beautiful, over-achieving young women. His eldest is in college, the younger is 16. Both have an unhealthy entanglement with Mom - just as the Forensic Psychiatrist had warned - but appear perfectly healthy to school and other personnel. Eldest is finally beginning to figure things out, but youngest is much more entangled and he still fears for her long-term mental health. Nonetheless, she entered high-school with 6 credits toward graduation, and in the 10th grade she has already earned 4 college credits and is on course to clear 13 college credits by the time she graduates high school. This "developmentally delayed" child is taking AP Physics, having cleared AP Calculus (as well as AP English, Biology and History) in the 10th grade.

If it seems I know an awful lot about this man and his daughters - if it's not obvious by now - I am this unfortunate man. I know from long personal experience how our system treats good men and rewards abusive women.

Though anecdote does not equal data, a simple Google Search will find you hundreds of similar stories. Every one of us knows some good man who's been mistreated by the system, but we lack the perspective to understand that this is the rule - not the exception.

Read the references I posted, do your own research, and think.

I really hope this helps to open your eyes.

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How common is abuse in relationships?

This is hard to answer because many people do not bother to report the abuse to authorities, for many reasons. To give you an idea of the size of the problem, 30% of women are murdered by their partner or ex partner. Men get killed too but The Washington City Paper had this to say:"Domestic violence kills in many ways. When it comes to male deaths by domestic violence, men are more likely to be killed as a result of attempting to murder their own partners than as a result of their partner's aggression. Men who are victims of domestic violence are almost as likely to be killed by a partner's ex than by their partners themselves."The moral is leave sooner rather than later. Someone who yells at you or hits you cannot be "fixed". Also check out the history of the person you are interested in dating.

How many deaths did domestic violence cause in 2013?

In 2,000 there were 440 men killed by their partner (5% of the murders of men) and the rate is climbing each year. However, these statistics are not completely accurate and police often keep murders of a domestic violence from the public.

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domestic violence calls

I was arrested twice on domestic violence?

If you were at fault, then it's either time you got out of that relationship or seek counseling or both. Either way, it's not a good situation for you or your partner. People who abuse have control issues. If you were falsely accused of domestic abuse, then you should also get away from your accuser. Domestic violence is taken very seriously these days and you could wind up with a lenghty jail sentence. By the way, most murder victims are killed by their domestic partners. Learn to control your anger. Seek help!

Who is usually the perpetrator of violent acts against women?

Approximately 50% of women murdered in the United States were killed by a former or current male partner. Approximately one-third of emergency room consultations by women were prompted due to domestic violence

Is divorce the best way to stop domestic violence?

That would be a cure for that relationship but the one abusing is not cured. Abusers blame the partner but the problem is in them so they are the ones that needs to be cured. If they get cured the relationship can still have a chance unless the abuse has killed the love so completely.

What are the statistics for attacked women?

5-95% of all domestic violence victims are female.Over 500,00 women are stalked by an intimate partner each year.5.3 million women are abused each year.1,232 women are killed each year by an intimate partner.Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women.Source:

Will sunade be the partner of jiraiya?

no, because jiraiya was killed by pain in the manga.

What age group is most likely to suffer domestic violence?

1 in 3 women experience physical assault women are most likely to be killed by husband, ex boyfriend , boyfriend , spouses and ex spouses women ages 19 - 29 and make an income of 10,000$ or less are likely to be victims of domestic violence.

How does teen violence affect their communities?

Because many of our people get killed by gangs,shootings,getting stabbed,and beaten to death.

People killed every year by gangs?

27% of american's get killed by gang violence

Why does the guy try to kill his partner at the end of the movie mechanic?

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