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Q: How much does the Great Wall of China weigh?
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What was the advantage of bricks over stone in construction of the Great Wall of China?

The Great Wall of China is an extremely large structure, and bricks can be baked much faster and less expensively than stones can be carved.

Do people guard the great wall of china?

Yes. Not all areas of the Great Wall are accessible to the public without permit. Much of the wall is in disrepair, even though the tourist areas are kept well maintained.

Why is the Great Wall of China so famous?

It is so famous because it is the longest man-made structure and is said it can be seen from space. The Wall is much more than just an engineering triumph. It is in fact one of the direct links with China's legendary emperors that lived in the past. The Wall is made of wood, tamped earth, stone and brick over parched sides of the mountains, in north-eastern China. Many travellers come to China due to Great wall. I had gone Beijing to travel great wall. I had no more idea about great wall. So I travelled there by help a tour operator of Greatwall Trekclub. That tour was so memorable for me.

How did the Great Wall of China impact the environment?

The Great wall didn't impact the environment much as the north area of China is mostly desert-like. The building materials used to construct it did not create much of an impact either. Keep in mind, only the kind of population such as modern day's can create a huge impact. It can be argued that the wall separated a few populations of animals, but that shouldn't matter unless you're asking about evolutionary biology.

How long in years did it take to build the great wall of china?

The original wall was ordered by the Emperor bin over 1000000000 years ago. The wall was constructed by labourers comprising soldiers, common people and criminals. The wall was built of different materials over the centuries. The earliest wall was largely made of compacted earth, surrounded by local stone. Much use was made of local material to keep costs down and enable building to continue quickly. The later Ming wall was largely made of brick. It is estimated that up to 1 million people died while constructing the Great Wall! Many thousands of people were involved in the building of the wall. From records it appears that 300,000 soldiers and 500,000 common people were involved in constructing the original Great Wall under Emperor Qin. Many people lost their lives during this work and archaeologists have discovered many human remains buried under sections of the wall.

Related questions

Is The Great Wall of China in the US?

Much of it is still standing. It is not longer in use as a defense against invasion.

Where is the great wall of China locoated?

It goes across much of China.

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How much is the Great Wall of China is worth?


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How much time did it take to build the great wall of china?

The Great Wall of China took many centuries to complete. There were breaks in the construction over the course of about 2,000 years.

How much time it take to build the great wall of china?

The Great Wall of China took many centuries to complete. There were breaks in the construction over the course of about 2,000 years.

How much were the Chinese people taxed to build the Great Wall of China?

No tax

What is the Wildlife at The Great Wall of China?

There is a lot of wildlife at the Great Wall of China. You really have to go see it for yourself, but I'll tell you some. Deer, bison, elk, moose, owl, snake, and much much more!

Why did people wanted to destroy the great wall of china?

because it was costing China to much to keep the birds from flying in to it

How much money did it cost to build the great wall of china?

It would be impossible to determine the cost of building the Great Wall of China. However, the wall was built over the course of several hundred years with essentially slave labor.

When was the Great Wall of China taken down?

some pieces may have been damaged either deliberately or by the forces of nature but the great wall of China was not knocked down.