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Q: How much starch does a person need in their body?
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Why does your body need to break down starch into sugar?

To absorb something in the blood the molecule has to be small and dis solvable. Glucose is very small and can be easily absorbed in the blood but starch molecules are very big. Really many glucose molecules put together form a starch molecule. Be cause starch is so big the enzymes have to cut it down so that it can be digested into the body. This is why starch molecules have to be broken down into glucose for digestion in animals.

Why does a plant need starch?

Glucose is soluble in water and starch is insoluble in water. So for storage in a rather wet medium such as a plant cell, glucose is changed to insoluble starch. When the plant needs glucose for respiration or other processes it changes the starch back to soluble glucose for transportation in solution through the phloem system.

What are the factors affecting the daily energy requirement of the human body?

These are the factors: 1.occupation-heavy physical work requires more energy than sedentary worker 2.body size and weight-the more the size, the more energy required 3. gender-young male adults need more energy than young female adults 4.age-children and adolescents need more energy for growth compared to adults

What do you need starch for?

It is the most common carbohydrate in the human diet found in bread, pancake, cereals, pasta and porridge. Starch sugars are used in many sweeteners in many foods and drinks. Starch is used in foods as stabilizers and thickeners such as puddings, custards, soups, gravies, salad dressings, noodles and pastas. Paper making is the largest 'non food' use of starch using millions of tons a year. Starch glues have a large application, Starch is used in clothing and laundry, in the construction industry and powdered corn starch can be a substitute for talcum powder. It also finds its way into the oil exploration industry.

What materials will you need to test for starch?

Use Iodine as an indicator. Just add it to your sample and the orange-brown colour will turn blue-black in the presence of starch.

Related questions

What is RDA for starch?

The body does not need any dietary starch.

What is the average amount of food eaten by a person a day?

It depends on the type of person,how much food its body need.

Does chicken meat have starch?

No. Only plants can contain/make starch. If the chicken for instance eats corn (which comes from a plant) the starch will be in their body but will be broken down for energy, but if they don't need that starch it turn into fat.

How plants store much of the food they need?

Plants store much of their food in the form of starch.

How much starch do we need to eat everyday?

The appropriate amount of starch to eat us 1 to 2 servings a day. When you are growing or an athelete you need more. If you do not eat enough you may get unwell but too much isn't good for you!

What foods contain cabohydrates?

Anything with sugar or starch is a carbohydrate. Potatoes, bread, pasta, as well as fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates. You need carbohydrates for energy but too much will be stored as fat in your body.

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How much fiber a day does your body need?

very much in the body.

Why do you need startch to make energy?

Because the body breaks down starch with enzymes to make glucose, which is used as an energy source for the body and muscles and is also used in respiration.

What does foods make your body fat?

when a person takes more nutreints than the body can ur body stores it until the body need them. if u eat too much the nutreint turns into fat cuz ur body can't store that much nutrients in the liver+muscles.

Why do seeds need starch?

hy do

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