

How much sugar is in bubble gum?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How much sugar is in bubble gum?
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Does sugar affect bubble size in bubble gum?

yes the sugar in the bubblegum affects the size of the bubble,but it depends on how much sugar is in the gum.!@##$%^&*()

How much protein is in bubble gum?

none it is all sugar

What were sugar-free bubble gum sales in 1999?

Sugar-free bubble gum had sales of $40.2 million in 1999

Why does sugar gum last longer then sugar-free gum?

-Sugar Gum Blows A Bigger Bubble Then Sugar Free Gum because It Sticksss

Which bubble gum has no sugar?


Is trident gum healthier than bubble yum?

trident gum is not healthier than bubble gum, trident gum has more sugar.

What is the difference between gum and a gobstopper?

The main difference between chewing gum and bubble gum is the gum base that they are made of. Bubble gum has a firmer and more elastic base that makes the gum easier to stretch and blow bubbles with. Chewing gum's flavor lasts longer and is therefore better for chewing than bubble gum is, while bubble gum is better for blowing bubbles with because of the elasticity.

Why does bubble gum make larger bubbles that chewing gum?

Bazooka gum does because im doing an experiment and its blowing the biggest bubbles!!!!!!!!!!! That could be how you're blowing though!

Does it matter if gum has more or less sugar to blow a bubble?

Generally, when the gum has more sugar (or you have only chewed it for a short period of time), it is easier to blow a bubble. The gum isn't as tough.

Is chalk bubble gum sugar free?

no it not why would it

Why is bubble gum supposed to be chewed?

Bubble gum is supposed to be chewed because it is healthier to chew it than chewing your nails (as long as the gum is sugar free).

Is bubble gum healthy?

It can be, but too much of it can damage your teeth with all the sugar that goes in to it to make it a certain flavour. :)