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I'm pretty sure it was if you smoked 20+ cigarettes a day (the average no. for a smoker) , after one year you would be left with 1.5 pounds of tar in your lungs

just looking at the pictures of smokers lungs and hearing what it can do to you would be enough to stop anyone smoking! I don't know why anyone would want to do that to themselves?!

The pictures of 'smokers' lungs' are usually of the DISEASED lungs of PIGS or even lungs of pigs soaked in chemicals. Coloration of the lungs is caused by disease and the undiseased lungs of a smoker and non-smoker look exactly the same.

By the above estimate, a lifetime smoker for fifty years would be carrying 75 pounds of tar in their lungs!!! The amount of tar produced by a typical cigarette is 7 milligrams. The average smoker smokes around 100 cigarettes a week so, in a year, this would add up to around 35 grams or just over an ounce. Some of the tar is exhaled and the macrophages and mucus in the lungs break down all but minute traces of what remains.

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12y ago
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15y ago

300 ml for a pack a day smoker according to the anti tobacco ads, but my dad has smoked for 60 years and I seriously doubt he has 9 liters of tar in his lungs. That is 2.377 gallons.

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15y ago

Im sure that depends on a lot of things. enough to make you want to stop after a year i would think

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11y ago

i guess it depends how much ciggaretes you smoked/smoke a day... and if people around you smoke as well...

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Q: How much tar would be on your lungs after smoking for one year?
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None. You would have to smoke 6500 or more joints to reach a toxic level. There is a risk when smoking anything that the lungs could be affected. Vaporizing or eating marijuana is a healthier option.

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From the moment you quit smoking, you will begin to heal it takes about 1 year to clear your lungs out, and by year 3 or your quit lungs are perfectly healthy. Provided you didn't quit at the beginning of lung cancer. It is always a good practice to go to the doctor when starting your quit, and follow up to see improvements.

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basicly i would say at 50 he or she will be 70 It's the lungs and the teeth that you'll lose first The meth would likely not even work that well anymore, he would likely have severe psychosis, he would appear much older than 47, and he would likely have severely damaged lungs. That 47 year old is actually lucky that he hasn't died from a stroke or heart attack.

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Well I'm not a doctor, but I do know that after you quit smoking you occasionally cough up phlegm for anywhere up to a year after you quit. This is an effect from the lungs healing themselves.

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alot about 1000 $

What is healed after one year of quitting smoking?

Your wallet. Your lungs take a few years more.

How much money is spent a year from smoking every year?

It depends on how much ciggarettes that you smoke each day. At $8.50 on average for a packet of 20 ciggarettes. If you smoke 5 ciggarettes a day, you would be spending on average $770 a year.

How doe smoking affect your lungs?

you will get lung cancer easier.And you can die more easily to because of nicotine tar

Does smoking kill?

Yes, Its slowly kills and shrivels your lungs. Did you know the adverage 20/day smoker in takes a large nutella jar of tar every year!