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Your wallet. Your lungs take a few years more.

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10y ago

after one year of smoking the body has taken very harmful side effects including death , cancer in the finger nails and aids , according to the State of Washington University.

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Q: What is healed after one year of quitting smoking?
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How many people have succeded at quitting smoking?

In the past year 30-40% of people that have had at least one smoke have quit!

Is quitting smoking good or bad?

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do. It can stop you from getting lung cancer. If you saw the lungs of someone that smokes, and the lungs of someone that never did smoke, you would a HUGE difference!

How can one help another quit smoking?

One can help another quit smoking by being supportive. Not smoke oneself next to the person, which is trying to quit, avoid places, where people smoke, and attempt to distract the quitting person from smoking.

Where can one find gum that helps to stop smoking?

Quit Smoking Support offers individuals help in quitting smoking for free including sending gum or patches. Stop smoking gum can also be purchased at retailers that include a drug store.

I want to describe the misery of first 8 weeks of quitting smoking in one funny sentence?

Cigarettes - a combat between me at one end and a fire at the other

Do you always want a cigarette after quitting?

Yes when you quit and you see other people smoking it then gonna affect you then you will want one you will also get crazy

How do nicotine gum and the nicotine patch help smokers quit smoking?

You would need to eat 9 pieces per day, for the fist weeks. Then you gradually reduce the # until your body doesnt want it anymore! I got this answer at: www. There's no way around it, quitting sucks. In fact, it's one of the hardest things you'll do in life. That's why quitting can be a challenge. To be successful, you need to overcome both your physical addiction to nicotine and your psychological addiction - the urge to repeat the same smoking routines every day, like smoking in the car and after meals. Nicorette® understands that every smoker is different and that quitting smoking isn't just about fighting cravings. It's about understanding your personal triggers and changing your habits over time. That's why we offer a customizable stop-smoking plan. Nicorette Committed Quitters® gives you the solutions and resources you need to change all your smoking behaviors so you can finally become the ex-smoker you really want to be. Along with Nicorette,® it's the total quitting system that can double your chances of successfully quitting smoking. Sure, quitting will always suck, but Nicorette makes quitting suck less.

How can one start quitting smoking?

The first step is to see your physician. He or she might prescribe you something to help with the cravings. The best way to quit, however is cold turkey.

What are some useful aids to help one quit smoking?

There are a wide variety of helpful resources available to individuals who are interested in quitting smoking. Nicotine patches and Chantix, for example, are popular aides. Another option available to such people is hypnosis.

Is anyone from One Direction quitting the band?

As of November 2013, no one from One Direction is quitting the band.

Do you have any tips that make quitting smoking easier?

Quitting cold turkey has proven to be very effective. Also, trying to focus on not smoking just one day at a time, instead of thinking ahead to how long you want to quit or thinking back to how long it's been since you had a smoke.

How can aromatherapy aid in smoking withdrawal.?

One study demonstrated that inhaling the vapor from black pepper extract can reduce symptoms associated with smoking withdrawal. Other essential oils can be used for relieving the anxiety a smoker often experiences while quitting.