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While there are SOME water-drinking tricks that CAN help with controlling your appetite and weight loss, drinking water as such isn't going to lose you any weight.

(one big glass BEFORE a meal will make you feel full faster, making it easier to just have the one serving.)

Drinking too much on a regular basis can upet your body's control mechanisms, and eventually leech you out and make you sick.

If you drink nothing but water, and if you consume 6-8 tall glasses a way, your percentage of fat will decrease rapidly. Stay away from soda and sugary juices. Water only is the best way to loose weight.
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Q: How much water do you have to drink to lose weight in a day to lose weight?
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How much water should i drink for my weight?

If you want to lose your weight then drink atleast 14 glass of water each day.

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How much weight will I lose if I drink 92 oz of water a day?

Drinking excessive water is no guarantee of weight loss.

How much water should someone weighing 210 drink a day to lose weight?

Drinking water will not help you lose weight. Unless of course you drink til you're so bloated you can't actually eat.

How many liter of water you should drink to lose weight daily?

As much as you can! The more the better

Does sweating help you lose weight?

sweating does help you lose weight but it doesnt mean you are losing so much weight .when you sweat its actually water that was already stored in your body and thats why you get tired and sweat you should drink lots of water so you can restore the water in your body because you need itt!

Dronking a gallom of water daily will lose how much weight in a week?

You can't lose weight just by drinking lots of water; in fact it is dangerous to drink huge quantities of water (several gallons) you might die. Drink sensibly, and follow a sensible diet - get recomnmendations from a health centre.

How much weight can you lose not drinking soda?

How much weight you can lose by not drinking soda depends on how much you drink per day. If you drink two large sodas a day and give them up, you can lose 62 pounds in just one year. If you drink more, you will lose even more.

When you only drink water do you lose weight and look skinny?

That's absolutely not healthy... And you can die of drinking too much water all the time. And 1 liter water is 1 kg so you can't see if you lose weight.

If you drink 8 glasses of water a day without exercising do you lose weight?

maybe, maybe not. it depends on how much you eat.

How much water should a 140 lb woman drink to lose weight?

There are other factors that need to be taken into consideration. Drinking water will not help you lose weight alone. The standard protocol is 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day. Water helps keep you hydrated, which affects your daily performance and your productivity. Drink water, maintain a balanced diet, and exercise will help you lose weight effectively and healthier.