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Q: How much water does a cottonwood tree lose per hour when its really hot outside?
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How many gallons of water does a large mature cottonwood tree use daily?

100 gallons (456.61l) per hour during hot desert days

Can your dog be outside for an hour without water?

Perhaps, depending on the weather. However, most laws require that water be always available.

Friend wanted to know how long does she have to lie outside to get a tan?

It really depends on how much sun is put and what angle and if you have sunscreen on or tanning lol on. but if you are on a boat on the water with tanning oil it will probably take like 1 hour

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some hours. no more than three or four hour.

How many gallons of water flows from a garden hose for 1 hour?

Depends on the water pressure, and the diameter and length of the hose. Sorry, but there really is no one answer.

What is the border?

It is about half hour outside of Lahore

How do you get a sore throat really fast?

Do not drink any water for maybe a half an hour, try not to swallow for a while, or talk

If two cubes of potatoes are put into concentrated sugar solution and distilled water and are left for an hour what will happen?

if this is an osmosis questions. the one in sugar will shrink and the one in water should swell up. in the sugar solution the concentration or [] of sugar is high outside therefore the water moves from inside the potato to the outside to try to equalize the []. the opposite is true for the potato in distilled water

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It is about half hour outside of Lahore

How close is the water to the Bahamas?

It depends on how you are going there, The distance is 310 miles so its probably less then an hour flight.

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Yes, math tutoring outside of school can pay really well. You can make over twenty dollars an hour in some cases.

Is 100.94 degrees Fahrenheit a dangerous temperature?

For outside, it's quite warm. Sunblock and lots of water and limited time outside. But for being out longer than an hour or so, may be dangerous. As for body temp. No, only a slight fever from 100 degrees. Rest and drink pleny of water and you should be okay.