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Q: How much water does a horse drink a day if he is working hard?
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How much water does an race horse need?

a race horse needs a alot of water because they are working hard so about a gallon or so Horses drink between 4-8 gallons a day, more if they are working hard like race horses. They should have free-choice water in a 10 gallon bucket to make sure they have enough.

What is the temperment of the shire horse?

The Shire Horse is docile, gentle and hard working.

Horses must not drink loads of cold water if they are sweating?

Yes. This is very true. Any horse that has worked hard should not be aloud to drink unless their respiration is a normal rate and they are properly cooled off. If a horse does drink a lot of cold water, they are likely to catch a chill and get very sick. They can also get colic.

Why should you drink hard water?

More minerals in hard water

What your muscles will need when they are working hard?

If you are working hard, such as exercising, your Muscles will need a lot of Water.Because if you don't have a lot of water, then your Cells will like, shrivel up. EW! So just drink lots of water.

What is drinking water?

Drinking water is water that is safe for a human to drink, it is said to be potable.

How much liquid would a pony hold?

Well, each day, a horse needs about 1 gallon of water per 100lbs body weight... Ponies weigh about 500-1000lbs. Ponies who are working hard can drink 20-30 gallons, though.

How often to water your horse when its hot?

Horses should have water available at all times not matter what. There is an old wives tale about not giving a horse too much water when it has been working hard and is hot, otherwise it could cause colic. That however is not true and has been debunked through scientific research. If however you are worried about the horse gulping down too much water while it's hot, you can keep a bucket of tepid water nearby and walk the horse to cool it out, each time you pass the bucket let the horse drink for a short time then move on , making another pass. Horses drink on average 0.5 to 1.0 gallons of water per 100 pounds of bodyweight, but this can quadruple during hot weather or after exertion.

How many gallons of water does a healthy horse drink each day?

Answer 1: In cool weather, horses will drink about 10-12 gallons per day. During hot weather they drink 20-25 gallons (or more) per day depending on the heat and humidity. Answer 2: A horse drinks roughly 1.5 to 1.0 gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight. In the winter horses tend to drink less as they don't like to drink overly cold water and in the summer or during very hard work they may drink up to twice as much. There is no one 'standard' amount of water a horse will drink year round.

To work like a horse means?

A horse is known to work in the fields and pull wagons and both activities are considered hard. When a person works like a horse, they are working very hard.

Is hard-water a pollutant?

No it is not and it is safe to drink

Should a horse have access to clean fresh water whenever it wants?

Yes. Water is necessary for many aspects of your horse's health. It helps to flush impurities out through the kidneys, helps the nutrients from food get where they need to go, lubricates joints and protects body organs, helps regulate the horse's body heat, and many other things. No horse should EVER be left without access to clean fresh water. But when a horse is engaged in hard work, you will need to regulate how fast the horse is drinking water, and how much. Too much too fast after hard work can cause colic or laminitis. Allow the horse to cool down first before allowing it to drink large amounts of water.