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If you are working hard, such as exercising, your Muscles will need a lot of Water.Because if you don't have a lot of water, then your Cells will like, shrivel up. EW! So just drink lots of water.

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Your ñus les leed strength exercise

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Q: What your muscles will need when they are working hard?
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hard working get a lot of energy and muscles.

What do muscle cells run low on after a workout?

Muscle cells need more oxygen when they are working hard. When you are working very hard and you begin to respire anaerobically (when the muscles don't get enough oxygen so work without it) your muscles produce a bi product of lactic acid, which is what makes them ache.Your muscles need oxygen to break down this acid into water and carbon dioxide, and this is called an oxygen debt.That is why you keep breathing heavily after you have stopped doing the activity.

When do you think anaerobic respiration might take place in your muscles?

When you are working the muscle hard.

How muscle become fatigue?

working your muscles too hard will lead to muscle fatige

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We need involuntary muscles because then every day we don't have to think how our heart is working .

Do ben wa balls really work?

Yes, they are for working the inner muscles of the vagina. once inserted you will have a hard time keeping them in until the muscles are strong enough to hold them. These muscles need to remain strong so as you get into your golden years things don't start dropping out of a gal, and they will since there is nothing to hold you in, but these muscles.

Why do your legs shake when you fly in cheerleading?

When you squeeze your muscles really hard (like in a stunt) your muscles may shake because they're working so hard. It's totally normal, it happens to everyone.

Why are you getting Muscle pain after exercise?

Your muscles are growing to make you strong and you've been working them hard

Why do humans breath more when they are exercising?

Because when you exercise you are working your body very hard and your muscles need oxygen to move and when you are exercising your muscles need more oxygen which results in you breathing more.Hope this helped.xxxyour heart is pumping fast, your lungs need to keep up with the amount of oxygen it needs to put in the blood for say a 160BPM

Is it better to stretch before or after working out?

it is preferably better to stretch before you work out rather than after working out because your muscles need to be warmed up so you'll not feel uneasy working out. also stretching before working out can minimize the excessive working of the muscles.

Is Hard working important or smart working?

I think hard working and smart working are important, because you need to pay the effort to get a good result. But you also need to think before you do or it'll all go wrong.

How does exercise Increased number of mitochondria?

Mitochondria make the energy in your body. During exercise you need more energy so you need more energy "factories"