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a lot i guess

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Q: How much water will a hand towel absorb?
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How much water does Scott paper towel absorb?

the exact weight in water that excretes post humus from a 6 foot corpse.

How much water will a Viva paper towel absorb?

A Viva paper towel is designed to be highly absorbent and can absorb up to 4-6 times its weight in water, depending on the specific type and quality of the paper towel. This makes them ideal for soaking up spills and messes effectively.

How much does bounty paper towel absorb?

It does a lot It does a lot

How much water can a towel hold?

A large towel will hold 2 -3 pounds of water

How much does water does sparkle absorb?

From my experience, there wouldn't be an actual fixed amount, simply because the amount of water absorb is never truly constant. Also, each towel absorbs a slightly different amount of water. This makes it almost impossible to get a constant, fixed amount. I hope I was helpful.

How much water does a paper towel hold?

A paper towel holds 2 pounds and 5 ounces of water.

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25oml of water

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by the SUN

How much water can rayon absorb?

yeah, very much

Does marble absorb water?

Yes. Raw marble (untreated marble) will absorb water. However this doesn't mean it will absorb so much water it will have a significantly larger mass. Treated marble that has a thin silicon layer will not absorb water.

Do red blood cell absorb water?

yes, if the blood cells absorb too much water, they can "lyse" or burst. therefore, drinking too much water is dangerous.

Does gravel absorb more water than soil?

Gravel does not absorb water as much as soil. Gravel has larger pore spaces and lacks the fine particles that help retain water, so water tends to flow through gravel more easily. Soil, on the other hand, has small pores that can hold and retain water.