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Knees happen to be very resilient structures, unless placed under stress or abused by certain activities. It is impossible to say how much weight a kneecap supports without considering "normal weight" charts for both men and women. From such a chart, we find these figures:

A woman , 4'10" with small frame can weigh 102-111

but a woman 6' 0" with large frame can weigh 158-179.

A man 5'2" with small frame 128-134

but man 6'4" with large frame 181-207.

So, given these "normals" we could say that a knee / kneecap *should* tolerate normal weight-bearing activities (i.e. standing, walking) for persons 102 pounds to 206 pounds.

However, activities like running, jogging, skipping add stress to weight-bearing joints, which include ankles, knees, hips.

As well, aging and injury can shorten the "lifespan" of a previously healthy joint. The knee cap is very moveable, allowing us to stoop, run, kick, etc. But some people easily hyperextend the knee (as if pushing the knee back toward the back of the leg), or easily twist the knee. These movements can cause acute or chronic injury.

People who play sports may have more knee injuries than the general population due to twisting actions, hyperextension, etc. Many pro football players have gotten hit, forcing the knee backward, and are then on the sidelines the rest of the year.

Also, every 10 pounds that someone is overweight causes increased stress on weight-bearing joints.

So, we all know that people *can* become 300 pounds, 400 pounds, 500 pounds, and a few have even gained weight to 1,000 pounds. But all of these persons would likely admit that they have more knee pain than when they were of a slimmer weight. A small-frame shorter male at 180 pounds and normal weight may have no problem, but a small-frame shorter female at 180 pounds may complain of significant knee pain.

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