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xanax is Alprazolam

Valium is diazepam

There clearly isn't an equivalent.... what are you asking exactly?

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Q: How much Xanax is equivalent to 5mg of Valium?
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what is stronger a 5mg Valium or a 10mg Valium?

This truly depends on if you take any medications in the benzodiazipines class. Some that you may of heard of are Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan... there are many others but you are most likely to have heard of xanax or Valium as they are the most commonly know, and in the states Klonopin is one of the most commonly prescribed, due to it's "Lack of dependency quality" this class of drugs in most countries are "controlled" meaning a medical professional would have to prescribe it to you. To get to the nitty-gritty bare bones answer; YES 10mg of Valium is the strongest dose they make... however it is about equal in strength to .5mg of Xanax... similar yet largely different effects, Xanax is most commonly prescribed as an EXTREMELY fast acing drug to be taken when an anxiety attack come on, and is very powerful, yet Valium is more slow to act, and has more of a relaxing, tiring effect. So for someone that takes 5 1mg xanax a day, Valium is not strong to that user, however for someone that has never taken one of these medications before or does not take benzodiazipines regularly, consult with your Doctor to make sure that 10mg is NOT to strong for you.

Does .5mg Xanax have 99v on the pill?

It Does

Is Xanax and alprazolam the same drug?

Valium reacts slower, doesn't hit as hard, but lasts longer 20-100 hours. xanax reacts faster, hits harder, but lasts 6-12 hours.... .5mg of xanax is comparable to 10mg of Valium xanax imo is better for anxiety, sleep Valium more so for relaxation and muscle relaxation, especially after a hard workout. Valium stays in your system longer, xanax does not.

What is the street piece for Valium 5mg?


Is 3 hours enough time between 7.5 loratab and 5mg xanax?

The largest dose available of Xanax on the market is 2mg. So im assuming your talking about .5mg xanax. 5mg of Xanax could possibly cause death. Its not smart to mix xanax and opiates cause they cause very shallow breathing.

Will 100 5Mg of xanax kill?


What pill is mylan 345?

Valium (diazepam) 5mg.

What is a pill imprinted Milan 345?

it is 5mg diazepam which is a generic for Valium i believe

Can you take 5mg Valium with 50mg Fentanyl patch if you have low grade emphysema?


How long is .5mg of Xanax detectable on a mouth swab drug test?

36 hrs

What drug is stronger Valium or Xanax?

Xanax and tramadol are two completely different drugs. Cant compare apples to oranges, but I can tell you the tramadol is none narcotic. If you are going to abuse the drugs I would suggest taking the Xanax. The tramadol will just make you want to clean your house.