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no age preference is necessary to buy or use them item. however, make sure it's right for you! some people have very sensitive skin, and nair will make them extremely itchy or cause other side affects depending on the persons skin.

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15y ago

well most likey 10+ only for senitive skin

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Q: How old do you have to be to use nair hair removal?
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What is a Nair?

it is a cream that you can use for hair removal from your legs and underarms

What is a good product to use for body hair removal?

If you are interested in using a good product for hair removal, there are many on the market to choose from. One of the most popular and widely used brands is Nair.

If i use nair a few times will the hair on my arms stop growing back?

Nair is to remove hair for longer, it will eventually grow back. I understand that the hair grows back, but i heard that if you repeatedly use nair, the hair will not grow back.

How do you wash spritz out of your hair?

use nair

How do you shave legs without a razor and cream?

Unless you want to wax or use a chemical hair removal such as Nair, you dont! It can cause severe razor burn with out shaving cream and you cannot do anything without a razor unless you want to wax or use a product like Nair.

You are a twelve year old girl with facial hair what can you do to get rid of it?

shave it off

Can you use hair removal cream if you have shaved before?

of course you can! i choose to use nair hair removal cream with moisturizing lotion because i now its safe and it rally works! just try some stuff and if you are having any problems contact a dermatologist incase something goes wrong! but yes the answer is yes!!

Is it safe to use a hair remover like veet or nair?


What are some simple facial hair removal methods?

You can use commercial products like the items put out by the company Nair. Shaving your face is an option, but can leave harsh razor burn that is unpleasant.

How do you get rid of unwanted hair?

shaving is easist. be very careful with electric trimmers, nicks really hurt. you can use hair removal creams but they may irritate the area.The best way to remove hair would be a bikini wax or you can get all the hair waxed off. Don't use a razor! This makes razor bumps and makes the vagina very unappealing.

Does nair actually work?

yes nair works but when u use it it can burn sometimes but the hair grows back slow so its worth it

What can you use to get rid of facial hair?

Laser hair removal