

How to peel an orange?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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I cut the peel off with a large knife...very easy and then cut the watermelon up into edible pieces. The skin of a watermelon is only about an eighth of an inch thick, but there is also a thicker layer called the rind that's about 1 inch thick. You want to remove the rind, too since it's usually sour (but you can make pickles out of it that are quite good). Unless you want to keep the watermelon whole (which would be very difficult) I suggest you cut it in half crossways and then into wedges. Then you can run a sharp knife between the pink flesh and the rind and remove the pink part of the wedges to use as you like.

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15y ago

To make peeling peaches easier, blanch them in water first. Bring a pot of water to boil, big enough to hold several peaches at a time, fully submerged. Using a slotted spoon, dip each peach in and leave in for 45-60 seconds. Take out using same spoon, and put directly into a cold water bath (once again, fully submerged). The skins should peel right off; you can use a paring knife or just your fingers. If they don't, you may have to repeat the process. Some people also claim that boiling your peaches like this for a little bit longer can improve the flavor of an underripe fruit. Good luck!

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12y ago

If you were to look at the orange like a Basketball there are all the sections of the basket ball just like there are in a orange. you take the orange and at the top where the stem would have been you stick your thumb in a peel back the top layer of the orange, also called the peel. You do that all the way around until the dark orange peel is off of the orange.

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