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In severe cases of anxiety and panic disorders, benzodiazepines such as alprazolam, clonazepam and lorazepam are effective - but their long term use is limited by the way the brain habituates to them (which means higher doses are necessary to achieve the same therapeutic effect). So they are more commonly prescribed for the short-term relief of mild anxiety, where the underlying cause may be treatable through other means (behaviorally, and perhaps with a newer generation SSRI).

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Q: How well do benzodiazepines work as mood stabilisers?
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You should get that looked at.

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Does a mood ring work?

YES well...sometimes. Sometimes it is wrong, like I have a mood ring and it was black. And for only my mood ring black means nervous. And I wasn't nervous at all. But one time I got blue and for my mood ring it means really happy. And I was. So sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

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No one knows the mechanism of action for Lithium, Depakote, or any of the other mood stabilizers. All that's known is they usually work, although not as well in every patient.

Do mood rings work if they are 5 bucks?

Mood rings do not change on account of your mood, then change account of the temperature. When the temperature changes, the color of the ring changes.

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The purpose of benzodiazepines is to treat conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and muscle spasms. They work by enhancing the calming effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain.

Does homework put people in a bad mood?

Sometimes, if you let it. There are two ways to deal with boring work that you'd rather not do - you can let it get you into a bad mood, or you can decide to stay in a good mood and just get the work done and over with. Your choice.

What is the mood of a work?

The atmosphere that pervades a literary work with the intention of evoking a certain emotion or feeling from the audience. In drama, mood may be created by sets and music as well as words; in poetry and prose, mood may be created by a combination of such elements as SETTING, VOICE, TONE and THEME. The moods evoked by the more popular short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, for example, tend to be gloomy, horrific, and desperate.

What The atmosphere or feeling within a work of art?

The mood

How does affect work?

Work does affect lifestyle, because it could make you so busy that you can't sleep well or you can't hang out with friends. It could affect your mood and you will feel a lot of pressure. That, of course, does not mean you shouldn't work.

What mood did Pablo Picasso create on his work?

pablo created an effective mood on the viewer, his paintings are unusual and unique.