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I can use a pregnancy test to find out if you're pregnant, and a phsyical exam and possibly ulstasound to see if you have a cyst.

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Q: How will you know if im pregnant with an ovarian cyst?
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Even if you are breast feeding and you do get pregnant , you can know by the morning sickness and the urine test report if you are pregnant or not.

How should you know if im pregnant?

Miss period?

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When you do the ultrasound they see it.

Can you get pregnant with hemorrhagic cyst?

I have one & I'm pretty sure it can. I'm still seeking proper treatment & the only response I'm getting just to avoid surgery, is birth control. The question is, why I'm taking birth control, if I never been pregnant? I was hospitalized for a week, with this same cyst since 18. Now I'm 25 still goin through this problem. Besides, when taking birth control it can possibly smaller the cyst, but when it does & then u decide to get pregnant, the birth control can cause a delay in you getting pregnant. Then, the cyst can begin to grow. I am getting at the age of wondering if I can have children & I believe this is stopping me. Im thinking of getting surgery. I've learned that it can make me healthier by shorting my anemia. I was told by the doctor anemia can also make it complicated to have kid's. I have more details but, if someone know anything different, let me know. I really don't know any other options than birth control or surgery.

Can you know right awey if im pregnant?

I can't, but maybe you can.

How do you know if you are still pregnant are not?

hi my name is luticia Jones and i wonder if you don"t bleed how do you know if im still pregnant.

What if im not pregnant but you feel nauseated and im having pains in your uterus?

i dont know if i am pregnant but i think i am .. when someone pushes on my tummy it hurts whats going on ?

How do i know if im pregnant or not before i test?

You dont really know until you test for sure.

What do you do if your scardox alien is pregnant?

Im not too sure, mine is pregnant right now but i dont know how to get it out :S

How would you know im pregnant after removing the implanon?

Take a pregnancy test if you aren't sure if you're pregnant.

If you Had a positive test at the hospital and im 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and im bleeding am i having a miscarriage?

i do not know, im not a doctor