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I had the same signs of pregnancy and ended up cramping up super bad and having a miscarriage. actually had it just last friday. go get checked and save the baby if you can...

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Q: I had sore breasts nauscious for a few days. Now I'm 5 weeks 2 days pregnant lost all symptoms from 2 days ago.. Have some mild cramping as well. Very worried. Is this a sign of miscarriage?
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Did i miscarriage?

Do you have some of the miscarriage symptoms such as bleeding, cramping, with pelvic or back-pain are accompanied during that period. Another miscarriage symptoms is the sudden stop of all pregnancies symptoms which include breast tenderness, the feeling of unwell.

You started bleeding heavily a week before your period and you have no other symptoms of a normal period such as cramping sore breasts etc Could you have been pregnant and now having a miscarriage?

Probably not. A week or so either way doesn't mean you are pregnant and some months you don't have all the symptoms. If it was a miscarriage you would have had more than that.

I have had all the symptoms of a miscarriage. was it a miscarriage?

Only your Doctor can truly answer this question. Was you definitely pregnant and was it confirmed by pregnancy test or blood test? If you are/was pregnant and you are now experiencing bleeding, abdominal cramping etc, you should go to A & E, Early Pregnancy Unit or contact your Doctor immediately.

Is it ok to take two advil if you are cramping in early pregnancy?

No do not take Advil if you are pregnant, You can take Tylenol. If you are cramping it is a sign you might be threatening to miscarry. Treatment for threatened miscarriage is bed rest, no sex and see your doctor if symptoms worsen.

7wks pregnant bleeding for a week with clots and cramping which is getting more severe what does this mean?

These can be signs and symptoms of a miscarriage. Immediate medical attention must be sought. The most common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester (first 12 weeks of pregnancy) is the female reproductive anatomy.

If I had a miscarriage and my pregnancy symptoms disappeared but now they are back could I still be pregnant?

If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.

What are the symptoms of a miscarriage during the first month of a pregnancy?

bleeding, sometimes pain and cramping. All bleeding cannot be considered an immediate miscarriage. An ultrasound and fetal hearttones need to confirm.

Don't know if I'm pregnant but having symptoms of miscarriage i know i possibally could be pregnant?

i suggest you go to the doctor.

Is it normal to be 6 weeks pregnant and have very bad cramping and weird pressure in the vaginal area but you're not sore in the chest area?

I would say that very bad cramping could be a sign of miscarriage. That's what happened to me around 5 weeks. My breasts were initially sore but within 12 hours of the miscarriage starting, my pregnancy symptoms went away, including the sore breasts. Check with your doctor though!

Can taking birth control symptoms be cofused with miscarriage?

birth control increases your chances of not getting pregnant

Ive been having pregnancy symptoms sore breasts really tired etc i usually don't get my period till the 11th but i was cramping on the 5th with spotting and was bleeding on the 8th could i be pregnant?

YES please go to your doc ASAP! you could prevent a miscarriage!

Could you be pregnant if you had a miscarriage one month ago and now you feel pregnant again and your boobs and nipples are really sore and you have some symptoms?

yes you could be pregnant.